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The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single mahout who will be entirely responsible for the job.

The first electronic computers used vacuum tubes and other components, and this made equipment very large and bulky. 第一批电子计算机使用真空管和其他元件,这是设备变得十分庞大。
The first embolized scope of spleen was 30%-40% with the second being 30%-40% at 1 or 2 months later in order to achieve the goal of getting rid of hypersplenia and improving the splenic function. 首次脾栓塞範围约30%~40%,间隔1~2个月再次栓塞脾脏30%~40%,实现缩小脾脏,消除和改善脾功能亢进以及基础疾病症状。
The first entry maker of the allonge shall sign on the abutting edge. 粘单上的第一记载人,应当在汇票和粘单的粘接处签章。
The first entry of jihuis that it is close to a certain amount or close to a certain degree and the second entry is that it is near an unusual condition. “几乎”的第一个义项为“表示接近于某种数量大或者程度深的情况”,第二个义项为“表示接近于某种非寻常的状况”。
The first episode goes out next Friday evening at 8.00 pm. 下星期五晚上8时播出第一集.
The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single mahout who will be entirely responsible for the job. 驯象中至关生要的是指派一名专门的驯象员,全面负责这项工作。
The first essentials is similar to sisters over, still, in dormitory, a few persons, eat the food and drink drink to play to then lie down and then sleep, taking care of it what time, take care of its tomorrow what lesson, asleep what also do not say! 先要和姐妹们过,还是一样,在宿舍里,几个人,吃吃喝喝玩玩然后倒头便睡,管它几点呢,管它明天什么课呢,睡着了什么也别说!
The first ever rhino to be born by artificial insemination has been born in Budapest Zoo, Hungary. 世界上首只人工受精犀牛在匈牙利首都布达佩斯动物园降生。
The first executable in the ROM to run, namely the kernel. ROM中运行的第一个可执行程序,又称核心。
The first exercise focused on ball possession on the half pitch and then everyone started on a drill where they ran with the ball through obstacles to improve ball control. 第一项练习主要是半场控球,然后大家开始了带球穿越障碍的练习以增强控球能力。
The first exhibit was a knife which the prosecution claimed was the murder weapon. 当庭出示的第一件物证是一把刀,据原告称是为谋杀凶器.

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