When you meet the one among the millions, when amid millions of years, across the borderless wastes of time, you happen to catch him or her, neither a step too early nor a step too late, what else is there to do except to ask softly: “So you're here, too? |
中文意思: 于千万人之中遇见你所遇见的人,于千万年之中,时间的无涯的荒野里,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,刚巧赶上了,那也没有别的话可说,惟有轻轻的问一声:“噢,你也在这里吗?” |
When you manually check the correctness of a value, the tool remembers that correct value.
当你手工检查一个值是否正确时,工具会记着那个正确值。 |
When you meditate on something, you're forced to look at it from many different angles, including some you've probably never thought of.
当你冥想一些东西时,你要强迫自己从许多不同的角度去看它,包括一些你以前可能从未想到过的。 |
When you meet an unfamiliar word, what do you do?
当你遇到一个不熟悉的单字,你会怎麽做? |
When you meet challengers and obstacles, you have the resourcefulness and discipline to bear down and focus on these challenges.
当你遇到挑战和障碍的时候,你会以耐力和责任感来承受,并集中精力来解决这些困难。 |
When you meet the emergency ,break up the glass and press the pushbutton .
遇到紧急情况时,击碎玻璃罩并摁下按钮。 |
When you meet the one among the millions, when amid millions of years, across the borderless wastes of time, you happen to catch him or her, neither a step too early nor a step too late, what else is there to do except to ask softly: “So you're here, too?
于千万人之中遇见你所遇见的人,于千万年之中,时间的无涯的荒野里,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,刚巧赶上了,那也没有别的话可说,惟有轻轻的问一声:“噢,你也在这里吗?” |
When you meet with difficulties in your work, it is no use losing heart.
当你在工作中遭遇到困难的时候,灰心是无用的。 |
When you mention overheating, many analysts point towards China.
一提及经济过热,许多分析人士就会把矛头指向中国。 |
When you move to another menu item,the selected item becomes yellow and a set of submenus may appear depending on whether the current icon is a menu item or a configuration setting.
当你移动到另外的一个菜单项的时候,被选的菜单会变成黄色而一组子菜单的能否出现取决于当前的图象是菜单项还是一个结构设定。 |
When you need a chime at the beginning or the end of the broadcasting, push down this button. There are two kinds of the chime can be chosen.
提示钟声按键:广播讲话的起始或结尾需提示钟声时,按下此键,二种钟声可选. |
When you need help about websit, please visit website FAQ find it. If you can't find the correct answer, please contact with us or email to Thanks.
当你遇到和网站相关的问题,请先在以往的FAQ中查找,可能其他人已经碰到类似问题并已经得到解决。如果还是不能得到解决,请发邮件到。谢谢合作! |