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The works featured in this display cover the range of artistic forms Emin has used since the early 1990s: text-based works, sculpture, photography, video, drawing, neon and hand-embroidered blankets.

The workmen struggled fiercely and one of them lost his temper. 由于工人拒绝停下手中的活,警察想夺风钻。
The workpeople had no say in how their factory was run. 工人们在工厂管理方面没有发言权。
The works are establishing web page text file information completely in network, then seting up the index, and matching the machine to proceed the manhunt in index according to the keywords. 在经过了搜索引擎的过程,面对更复杂的对象我们又开发出了智能信息检索系统。
The works are the most excellent pieces of science popularization after being examined be half a century of time. 这些作品是从一亿多字的出版物中精心选出来的,它们都是各个时代的代表作,是经过半个世纪检验的最优秀的少儿科普佳作。
The works created when DING stayed in the League of Leftist Writers and Yenan illustrate that she tried to voice on behalf of women in the limited discourse space. 从丁玲在左联、延安时期创作的一些文本可以看出,丁玲试图从女性的角度在有限的话语空间内表达出自己的声音。
The works featured in this display cover the range of artistic forms Emin has used since the early 1990s: text-based works, sculpture, photography, video, drawing, neon and hand-embroidered blankets. 作品里陈列了翠西自90年代初一贯采用的艺术形式:文字装置,雕塑,照片,录像,绘画,霓虹灯及手绣的被子。
The works in this exhibition not only show their talent to the public, but also allows them to be self-confident. They need to be encouraged! 本次展出的作品,不但可让社会大众一探他们的才华,更重要的是给这群身心障碍朋友们有肯定自我的机会,请给他们加油、鼓励!
The works included 24 bored piles of 2.5 meters in diameter and 55 meters in depth, 500 meters long underground concrete diaphragm wall of 0.8 meters thick and 25 meters deep, 450 pre-cast concrete pile of 0.5 meters in diameter, 12 meters deep soil excav 其工程内容包括了24支直径2.5米,深达55米直入岩层的钻孔桩,周长500米,深度25米,厚度0.8米的地下连续混凝土墙,450支直径0.5米预制混凝土桩,12米深开挖,多层水平钢支撑系统,混凝土桩承台及地库底板结构。
The works involve modification to part of the Main Transfer Building and construction of new area for storage tank and biological treatment. 工程主要涉及改建转运站主楼,兴建隔油池废物储存缸和生物处理器。
The works of Fangfang and Chili share the common characteristics of New realistic noveland have their own distinct features. 摘要方方和池莉的作品,既有着“新写实小说”的共同特点,更有着各自鲜明的特色。
The works of his hands are verity and judgment; all his commandments are sure. 7他手所行的,是诚实公平。他的训词都是确实的。

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