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An upward leap made by a trained horse without going forward and with the hind legs kicked out.

An upset stomach. 消化不良的胃
An upsurge in interest in reading among children is preventing them from suffering accidents, British researchers say. 英国的研究者们称,孩子们读书兴趣的高涨能让他们少出事故。
An upsurge in violent crime. 严重犯罪的急剧上升
An upsurge of nationalism will arise soon. 民族主义的高潮快要到来。
An upturn in the sales figures delighted our manager. 销售额的增长使我们的经理很高兴。
An upward leap made by a trained horse without going forward and with the hind legs kicked out. 原地腾跃一匹受驯马的向上跳跃但不向前走动,同时后腿踢出
An upward swing or trend. 增长,向上的趋势
An upwardly mobile generation. 社会地位上升的一代人
An urban district of eastern Northern Ireland, an industrial and residential suburb of Belfast. Population, 72,400. 纽敦阿比北爱尔兰东部城区,是贝尔诺斯特的工业和居民区。人口72,400
An urban district or quarter in a Spanish-speaking country. 行政区域讲西班牙语国家的城市行政区域或特区
An usher stood at the door giving out programs. 招待员站在门口分发节目表。

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