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In fact,so-called pressure ulcersor decubitus ulcerscan form on skin over bony prominences in persons who are bedridden for an extended time.

In fact, “The one”and the “whole”of his philosophical concept drive at the new God that was established a idol and example by him for human. 其“一”和“整体”概念实指一种新神,该神扮演着人类偶像和榜样并引导世界向善。
In fact,My experience of bushiness which I have accumulates is similarly with your company's working form. 其实我的工作经验非常符合贵公司的要求。
In fact,U.S. inspectors have stopped more food shipments from India and Mexico in the last year than they have from China,an analysis of data maintained by the Food and Drug Administration shows. 事实上,根据一份从美国食品药品管理部门得来的数据显示,去年,被美国检验员拒绝的货物中,印度和墨西哥的要多于中国。
In fact,happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.When you are in trouble at school,your friends will help you;when you study hard at your lessons,your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health;when you get succes 事实上,如果你用心感受,快乐总是在你身边的.当你在学校遇到了麻烦,你的朋友会帮助你;当的努力学习,你的父母亲会照顾你的生活和健康.当你成功时,你的朋友会向你道贺;当你做错事时,你身边的人会帮助你改正,当你做对他人有益的事时,你也会感觉到快乐.所有的这些都是你的快乐.如果你注意到它们中的一点,你就会知道,快乐总在你左右.
In fact,over four thousand years agao,Egyptians grew flax along the banks of the Nile River. 最早用来做衣服的织物是亚麻,很久以前,人们就知道怎样把亚麻织成细亚麻布。
In fact,so-called pressure ulcersor decubitus ulcerscan form on skin over bony prominences in persons who are bedridden for an extended time. 实际生活中,长时间的卧床不起可引起突起骨骼表面的皮肤发生“压迫性溃疡”或褥疮。
In fact,the thinner you are, the prettier you are considered. 实际上,你越瘦,别人会认为你越漂亮。
In fact,this kind of ointment indication deposit below 25 degrees. 事实上,这种药膏注明存放在25度以下.
In fact,venery is to be blamed for this state of loss,both the literal loss of the dead child and for the lost childhood,corrupted early by the love of money and the belief that it constituted a bulwark against sin. 实际上,这一缺失状态是因为欲望,死去的孩子和失去的童年皆源于斯,童年资本家早早地因喜爱金钱和认为金钱能防治罪恶而开始堕落。
In fact,we are already perfectly trainen by and for samsara,trained to get jealous,trained to grasp,trained to be anxious and sad and desperate and greedy,trained to react angrily to whatever provokes us. 事实上,我们已完全被轮回所训练,训练成嫉妒、执著、焦虑、悲伤、绝望和贪婪;训练成对激怒我们的事愤怒回应。
In fact.I have never gone there one time! 事实上,我还从未去过那个地方.

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