Conclusion Limited internal fixation combined with external fixation in treatment of children humerus condyles fracture has the advantage of mini-invasion, better reduction and rapid recovery.
结论有限内固定结合外固定的治疗方法在儿童肱骨髁部骨折的治疗中具有实用价值。 |
Conclusion Liver biopsy plays an important role in the diagnosis of clinical liver disease.
结论肝穿活检在肝脏疾病诊断中,有着其他诊断方法不可替代的重要作用。 |
Conclusion Many problems in antimicrobial usage existed, it is important to strengthen standardized administration.
结论该院抗菌药物使用尚存在许多问题,需加强规范化使用的管理。 |
Conclusion Massage and cupping therapy for the periarthritis of shoulder could be obviously effect.
结论推拿配合火罐对治疗肩周炎的疗效是明显的。 |
Conclusion Minimally invasive surgical therapy is recommended for the resection of benign submucosal tumors of the esophagus.
结论推荐采用最小侵入性手术疗法切除良性的食管黏膜下肿瘤。 |
Conclusion Modeling the covariance structure is especially important for analysis of repeated measures data because measurements taken close in time are potentially more highly correlated than those taken far apart in time.
结论由于在重复测量资料中,同一受试者的不同观测值之间具有相关性特点,故对其指定协方差结构尤其重要。 |
Conclusion More attention should be paid on the emotional problems in primary school students, which are common and can affect students' psychosocial function.
结论小学生中情绪问题较为普遍,影响到学生的心理社会功能,应予以重视。 |
Conclusion Obstructing super-anterior and infero-anterior pancreas-duodenal arteries is feasible for doctors to restrain tumour of the head of pancreas.
结论阻断胰十二指肠上前、下前动脉,从而抑制胰头肿瘤生长具有可操作性。 |
Conclusion Orbital meningioma of children have the characteristics of low morbidity, more common in boys, high ratio of multicentric and malignant tumor and with poor prognosis.
结论儿童眼眶脑膜瘤的发病率低,其特点是男性居多,好多发,复发率高,恶性脑膜瘤相对多见,预后差。 |
Conclusion Patients with female reproductive system tumor receiving venous chemotherapy can be prevented from phlebitis and drug exosmosis through venous nursing care.
结论对妇科静脉化疗患者进行系统的静脉护理可以预防静脉炎和药物渗漏。 |
Conclusion Pinocembrin and its derivatives may be usefully antimicrobial candidate drugs.
结论松属素及其衍生物有可能成为新型结构的抗菌药物。 |