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I'm really longing to return home.

I'm really hungry tonight, what's your most hearty dish? 我今晚好饿,什麽是你们最有份量的菜?
I'm really in a bind. 我替你照顾他。
I'm really indebted to you. 我非常感谢你。
I'm really into baseball! 我真喜欢棒球!
I'm really longing for a good friend. 我很想得到一位好朋友。
I'm really longing to return home. 我确实渴望回家。
I'm really looking forward to taking the trip to Nepal. 我一直盼望着要去尼泊尔旅行。
I'm really lucky that I get to do that and get paid for it and all the press stuff is really just a bit of a trade-off. 我很幸运能做这些,并且因此得到薪水,所有这些媒体上的东西真的仅仅是一点点交换的代价而已。
I'm really not interested in politics. I know next to nothing about it. 我对政治实在没什么兴趣,对此几乎一无所知。
I'm really on velvet in my new job: good pay; a company car to ride around in; I've got everything I could possibly want. 我的新工作真使我感到幸运:工资高,公司的小汽车可以坐着到处跑,凡是我所需要的东西我全都搞到手了。
I'm really pissed off at Harry. He took the credit for all my work. 我实在对亨利很生气,我拼命工作他却坐享其成。

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