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He knows it's inconvenient ,but he wants to go anyway.

He knows how to flatter his boss. 他知道如何逢(烽)迎老板。
He knows how to go about repairing the machine. 他知道怎样著手修理这台机器。
He knows how to keep the project on the track and how to stop the nonsense and bullshit immediately. 该人知道如何使项目保持正轨,以及如何立即制止毫无意义之言行。
He knows if he looks at you mournfully long enough, you're going to reach under that nasty furniture and get it for him. 因为它知道利用它那充满悲哀的、极具杀伤力的眼神,让你乖乖地把东西交给它。
He knows it very well because he have stud it up in a book. 他对这个问题很了解,因为他为此曾在一本书中查阅过。
He knows it's inconvenient ,but he wants to go anyway. 他知道不方便,但他无论如何都想走。
He knows it, we all know it. 他知道这一点,我们都知道。
He knows most who speals least. 懂得最多的人,说话最少!
He knows no English, (to say nothing of )French or German. 他连英语都不懂,更不用说法语和德语了。
He knows no English, to say nothing of French or German. 他连英语都不懂,更不用说法语和德语了。
He knows nothing except English. 他除英语以外什么都不知道。

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