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Habitual laziness; sloth.

Habits: Internet, PC game, watching TV, listening for POP music, of course including all good taste food of dinner. 爱好:上网、计算机游戏、英语、看电视、听流行歌曲,当然也喜欢美味佳肴啦:-)。
Habits: Known for casual dress, he cruises the office shoeless and in a sport shirt——but don't mistake him for laid-back. Snacks on granola doused with apple juice. 习惯:乔伯斯是一个以便装形象出名的人。在办公室里,他从不穿鞋,并且总是穿着一件运动衫——但是,请不要误解为他是一个松懈懒散的人。他喜欢将格兰诺拉麦片蘸上苹果汁来吃。
Habits: Loves the New York Post and People. Hates E-mail, computers, memos. Loves voice mail. 习惯:喜欢《纽约邮政》和《人民》报刊,不喜欢邮件、计算机和备忘录。喜欢使用语音邮件。
Habits: Works in a nine-foot-square gray cubicle, like everyone else at Intel. Always takes the stairs up and down the five flights to his office space. Picks up after litterbugs. 习惯:他习惯在一间九平方英尺的小工作间中工作,就像其他的所有员工那样。他总是在五级楼梯上爬上爬下进入他自己的工作天地。他厌恶那些在街道或公共场所乱丢垃圾的人。
Habits: goofing off with friends. 习惯:与朋友一起玩。
Habitual laziness; sloth. 懒散习惯性的懒惰;散漫
Habitual tea drinking over several years preserves bone density in both men and women. 多年的饮茶习惯能够保持男性和女性的骨密度。
Habituation is wonderfully adaptive when we are faced with adverse conditions, such as chronic noise or a permanent disability. 这种能力当我们在面对不利的状况时具有非常的适应能力,比如说对持续的噪音逐渐充耳不闻,或者对身体残疾逐渐习惯。
Habour no ill intention against others, but never relax vigilance against evil-doers. 害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。
Hachette Filipacchi Taiwan (HFT) announces the reorganization of the group's Taiwan management office with immediate effect. 桦榭文化事业股份有限公司对高阶主管职务异动一事,特此公告并立即生效。
Hacker High School is a program run by the University of La Salle in Barcelona, Spain. 骇客高中是西班牙巴塞隆那的拉萨尔大学主办的课程。

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