Professionally manufacture embossers,calenders and all sorts of fiber-roller, wool-roller, nylon-roller and textile equipments, we have got rather wide cooperation and communication in this field.
专业生产各种纤维轧辊、羊毛辊、尼龙辊、纺织机械后整理设备等的企业,江阴轧辊机械有限公司在业内外有着非常广泛的合作与交流。 |
Professionally she was then not yet my equal, but ideologically she was head and shoulders above me.
论技术,她那时还不如我,但思想却比我高得多。 |
Professionals and patients made similar predictions.
专家与病人有相似的预测。 |
Professionals are all well-educated.
专业人员是受过良好教育的人。 |
Professionals don't have websites and don't put out technical newsletters. Those people are usually amateurs.
职业摄影师没有个人的网页,也不出版技术新闻。通常是票友级的才会去做这些事。 |
Professionals gather at a roadside kitchen for noodles,congee and shrimp.
工薪族们聚到路边小铺,吃点儿面条、稀粥和鲜虾。 |
Professionals go in for water skiing, diving competitions and water polo matches.
专业人员则进行滑水、跳水和水球比赛。 |
Professionals know there is a big difference.
职业人士知道这里有很大的不同。 |
Professionals spend more on film and lab fees each month than they spend on camera gear in a year.
他们每个月砸在底片和后制作上的钱比他们一整年花在器材上的钱还多。 |
Professionals use this technique constantly.
这一点常常为专业设计者所利用。 |
Professionals who feel demeaned by unskilled work.
感觉受到非技术性的侮辱的专业人员 |