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Juve haven't given up on Foti and will seek new talks with Samp for the youngster during the winter market.

Juve had a deal in place for Samp's half of Foti's registration in the summer before Christian Vieri pulled out of his agreement with the Genoa club. 在今年夏天维埃里毁掉他与这家热那亚俱乐部的合约之前,尤文和桑普多曾经有过一项协议,他们拥有弗蒂一半的所有权。
Juve had a scout posted for AEK's clash with Panionios on the weekend to watch both players in action, though 20 year-old Finn Hatemaj missed the game. 周末尤文观看了雅典AEK和帕尼奥尼奥斯队的交锋以此考察这两名球员,可是20岁的芬兰人赫特马伊错过了那场比赛.
Juve had started legal proceedings over Tudor's contract, claiming that there was a clause forfeiting his wages if he was unable to play for eight months due to injury. 尤文对图多尔的合同进行了法律诉讼,因为按照规定,如果他连续8个月因伤不能出场比赛可以停止支付工资.
Juve have been linked with a host of star names as they prepare for a return to the top flight, but neither Gianluca Zambrotta or Emerson are high n their list. 当他们即将回归顶级联赛的时候,尤文已经和很多球星的名字联系在一起,但是在尤文的引援名单上却没有吉安卢卡·赞布罗塔和埃莫森的名字。
Juve have insisted that Trezeguet come in line with the club's new wage structure, which would have meant the Frenchman taking a 25 per cent cut on his current salary. 尤文已经强调特雷泽盖不能打乱俱乐部新的薪水结构,这意味着法国人将要削减目前的薪水的25%。
Juve haven't given up on Foti and will seek new talks with Samp for the youngster during the winter market. 尤文从未放弃过签下弗蒂,在冬季转会市场上,他们将为得到这名年轻人和桑普多展开新一轮的谈判。
Juve moved for Gilardino at the end of last season and despite his problems in front of goal for Milan, coach Didier Deschamps is convinced he can revive his career. 尤文在上个赛季结束就希望引进吉拉迪诺了,尽管他在米兰遇到进球荒,主帅迪迪埃·德尚仍然对他信任有加。
Juve officials admit chances of hanging onto the Frenchman next season are receding and Tuttosport says contact has already been made with Inter. 尤文官员承认,下赛季留住法国人的希望正在日益减少,而今天的《都灵体育报》说他们已经在联系国××米。
Juve transfer guru Luciano Moggi said: We already have super champions in attacking positions. 而尤文的莫吉也表示说:“我们在进攻位置上已经有了很多优秀队员。”
Juve will probably need a season to help the team re-adjust to Serie A and blend in the new recruits. 尤文至少会需要一个赛季的时间磨合队伍以适应甲级的节奏。
Juve's Scudetto hopes are beginning to wobble and Moggi chose to address the squad to assure the players they have the management's support. 尤文夺冠的希望变小,莫吉选择对球员们进行谈话,明确了管理层对他们的支持。

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