A variable is a storage location and has an associated type, sometimes called its compile-time type, that is either a primitive type (@sect;4.2) or a reference type (@sect;4.3).
变量是关联于特定类型的存储单元,所关联的类型有时叫做变量的编译时类型,即,既可以是简单类型也可以是引用类型。 |
A variable is a storage location and has an associated type, sometimes called its compile-time type, that is either a primitive type (§4.2) or a reference type (§4.3).
变量是关联于特定类型的存储单元,所关联的类型有时叫做变量的编译时类型,即,既可以是简单类型也可以是引用类型。 |
A variable of a primitive type always holds a value of that exact primitive type.
简单类型的变量总是执持简单类型的值。 |
A variable so related to another that for each value assumed by one there is a value determined for the other.
应变量,函数一个与他量有关联的变量,这一量中的任何一值都能在他量中找到对应的固定值 |
A variable's value can change during the script.
一个变量值可以在脚本中进行改变。 |
A variant on the virus is the worm.
病毒的一个变种是蠕虫病毒。 |
A variation on question 5 above: write an essay discussing the development of the made-for-television film, using The Name of the Game as a precursor example and drawing on our archive of TV movies.
第5题的一个变形:写一篇论文来考察为电视制作的电影的发展,将《游戏名称》作为先驱性案例,并以我们关于电视电影的档案文件作为参考。 |
A varicose enlargement or swelling.
静脉曲张的肥大或肿胀。 |
A variety of aldehydes were converted into acylals in good yields with anhydride in the presence of a catalytic amount of zinc bromide under solvent-free conditions.
以醛和酸酐为原料,溴化锌为催化剂,无溶剂条件下高产率地合成了偕二酸酯(其中醛与苯甲酸酐的反应是首次报道)。 |
A variety of artificial fertilizers have been developed.
人们发明了各种人造化肥。 |
A variety of chemical carcinogens as diverse as benzene, cigarette smoke, and nitrites can initiate and/or promote this process.
多种多样的化学致癌物如苯、吸烟、亚硝酸盐都能够引起(和)或促进肿瘤的发生。 |