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I shall like to say how much I disapprove of taking such an unnecessary step.

I shall leave on Sunday if nothing intervenes. 若无什麽事情发生的话,我将于星期天动身。
I shall let you know how I miss you every day, even from afar! 我要让你知道我每天都在想你!相隔这么遥远也阻挡不了我对你的思念!
I shall lift up the cup of salvation And call upon the name of the Lord. 诗116:13我要举起救恩的杯、称扬耶和华的名。
I shall like to introduce to you the gentleman whom I spoke of the other day. 我想把前些天与其谈话的那位绅士介绍给你。
I shall like to know how you feel. 我愿意知道你感觉如何。
I shall like to say how much I disapprove of taking such an unnecessary step. 我想表明我很不赞成采取如此不必要的步骤。
I shall limit myself to three aspects of the subject. 我仅探讨这一问题的三个方面。
I shall look after her in future. 以后我会好好照顾她的。
I shall make mention of the lovingkindnesses of the Lord, the praises of the Lord, According to all that the Lord has granted us, And the great goodness toward the house of Israel, Which He has granted them according to His compassion And according to the 赛63:7我要照耶和华一切所赐给我们的、题起他的慈爱、和美德、并他向以色列家所施的大恩、这恩是照他的怜恤和丰盛的慈爱赐给他们的。
I shall need to see over the house before I can make you an offer. 我得先看看房子,然後才能给你出个价钱。
I shall never be an ascetic if she does not take the vow with me. 我将永不做一个苦行者,假如她不和我一同受戒。

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