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Contract abdomen and all loose muscle throughout the body.

Contours are generated by an edge detection algorithm based on a user chosen pixel threshold. 这个轮廓是根据一选择好了的象素极限在计算机上用边缘定位方法计算出来得。
Contra-indication for damp heat or heat caused by yin deficiency. Use caution in patients with difficulty in urination but usually shenyangxu patients have tendency to develop enlargement of prostate. 湿热或阴虚有热忌用。小便困难者小心应用。但肾阳虚者常常引起前列腺增大﹐以至小便困难。
Contraband detection and search equipment finds drugs, explosives, currency and works of art used by US Customs, DEA, FBI, COAST Guard, National Guard, State and City Police, exported to over 70 countries around the world. 本公司的违禁品探测搜索设备为美国海关、禁药取缔组织、联邦调查局、海岸警卫队、国家卫队、各州及城市警方广泛使用,用以检测毒品、爆炸物、货币及艺术品,产品已出口到世界70多个国家。
Contraband goods were found in the storehouse of the hotel. 在旅馆的储藏室里发现了走私货。
Contraception is still a controversial issue in this part of the world. 在该地区节育仍是个有争议的问题。
Contract abdomen and all loose muscle throughout the body. 收紧腹部及全身松弛肌肉。
Contract changes since then have elevated the contract value to approximately $11 billion. 合同变化自此有架空的合同价值大约为110亿美元.
Contract incompleteness might lead to overinvestment when the investment is unobservable and cooperative (the buyer's value of the good depends on the seller's investment), and the players have asymmetric information during the bargaining (the buyer has p 本研究发现,当投资为合作的(如买方所要买的物品,因卖方的投资而有较好的品质),而且在投资后的谈判中,买卖双方所拥有的资讯并不对称时,不完全契约的环境可能造成过度投资。
Contract may not be used until filed with the FMC. 在没有向FMC登记前,合同不可以使用。
Contract on usual terms at his own expense for the carriage of the goods of the contract description to the named port of destination by the usual route in a seagoing vessel (or inland waterway vessel as appropriate). 自付费用,按照通常条件订立运输合同,经由惯常航线,将合同所指货物(或依情况适合内河运输的船只)运输至指定的目的港。
Contract review and substitution application. 合同评审及紧急代用件采购。

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