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He needed ten yuan to settle up this bill.

He neatly fended off a jab at his chest. 他利落地挡开了当胸的一击。
He need ground into the existence, only when he takes root in the existence deeply can he blossom into a Buddha, millions of flowers come into full bloom and life can't be meaningless. 他需要根于存在,因为只有当他深深地扎根于存在,才会开花为佛,开出成百万的花,生命才不会无意义。
He need not have worried. 他的担心多少有些杞人忧天了。
He needed a new overcoat and he was without gloves. 他需要一件新外套,他也缺少一副手套。
He needed somewhere to rest. 他需要个处所休息。
He needed ten yuan to settle up this bill. 他需要十块钱来付清这一帐单。
He needed to ask one or two more questions. 他需要问一到两个以上的问题.
He needed to go to a school that challenged him to Lakeside—an all-boys’ school for exceptional students. 令校方骄傲的是他们所创造的环境及设施使学生们能充分发挥各自的潜能。
He needed to have a good sleep at once. 他只是困,需要马上睡觉。
He needed to read the book again. 他需要把那本书再读一遍。
He needed to see how the wind was blowing before he told them his plan. 他在把自己的计划告诉他们之前,要先了解一下情况。

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