Stereoscan photographs showed that both the inner and outer coating membranes of SAPCUs were formed by different size and shape micro particles of coating materials, which were closely stacked at random.
高吸水性树脂包膜尿素的内外膜均是由大小不一形状不规则的包膜材料微粒无序紧密堆积,并由胶粘剂填充空隙胶联而成,包膜叠层间和叠层内有微小孔隙,它们是尿素溶出的通道。 |
Stereoscopic topography,climate and product form an interactive biological circle,which brings reputation to this land as plant kingdom,animal worldand mineral treasure land.
立体的地形、立体的气候与立体的物产之间形成了相互作用的生态圈,它为贵州带来了植物王国、动物世界、矿产宝库的美称。 |
Stereotype is a complicated social phenomenon influenceing many aspects of people's life, particularly in intercultural communication.
摘要定型是一个复杂的社会现象,它影响着人们生活的诸多方面,尤其对跨文化交流的影响不可忽略。 |
Stereotypes about adultery are as common as research about it is flaky.
奇怪的是:这种陈词滥调和关于通奸的研究一样普遍。 |
Sterigma (pl. sterigmata) A fingerlike projection upon which spores are formed in most basidiomycete fungi.
担孢子梗:是大多数担子菌所具有的指状突起结构,其上着生担孢子。 |
Sterile schmerile. The floor's clean, right?
消毒消毒。地板很乾净对吧? |
Sterile, crystal clear tips let you see transparent samples.
完全透明的消毒吸头可查看透明的样本。 |
Sterile. Used of males.
不能生育的。指雄性 |
Sterilisation – the sale of domestic securities to mop up the excess liquidity generated by official intervention in foreign currency markets – is not merely feasible, but even highly profitable, if one is prepared to ignore the risk of a large ultimate c
冲销即通过发售国内票据,消除官方干预外汇市场产生的多余流动资金,这不仅仅是可行的,甚至还极为有利可图——如果愿意忽视最终遭受巨额资本损失的风险。 |
Sterilization operations shall ensure the safety of those to whom the operations are performed.
实施避孕节育手术,应当保证受术者的安全。 |
Sterilized by epoxy ethane,it is sterile and can be used for the treatment of phimosis and prepuce of the child aged 4 to 12.
产品经环氧乙烷灭菌,无菌,可供4-12岁的小儿治疗包皮、包茎用,一次性使用。 |