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If the fault appears to be in the circuit board itself, a simple swap of circuit board and heat-sink can be facilitated by the lossening of 4 small cap screw and wire for wire transferal.

If the factories want to maximize their profits, they can eliminate the middle man. 如果生产企业想获取最大的利润,他们必须得避开中间商。
If the failures of this world could realize how desperate half the present-day geniuses once felt,they would take heart and try again. 世上的失败者若能了解到当今的天才曾经有半数一度感到过多绝望,他们就会振作精神,再次努力。
If the family is the number one institution in Italian life, church will be the next one, with the Caffe rating third place. 在意大利人的生活中,家庭是第一重要的,其次便是教堂,排第三位的是咖啡馆。
If the family of Egypt does not go up or enter, then no rain will fall on them; it will be the plague with which the Lord smites the nations who do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Booths. 亚14:18埃及族若不上来、雨也不降在他们的地上.凡不上来守住棚节的列国人、耶和华也必用这灾攻击他们。
If the father or the mother visits their children to the detriment of their mental and physical health, a people's court shall suspend the right of visit according to law; and such a right shall be restored after the main content of the suspension disappe 父或母探望子女,不利于子女身心健康的,由人民法院依法中止探望的权利;中止的事由消失后,应当恢复探望的权利。
If the fault appears to be in the circuit board itself, a simple swap of circuit board and heat-sink can be facilitated by the lossening of 4 small cap screw and wire for wire transferal. 如果故障是发生在电路板上的话,只要拧松四个小帽螺钉,用一根电线把线路板和散热器作简单的交换就可以了?
If the fax transmission, Please inform us immediately. 如未能收妥此传真文件,请立即与我们联系。
If the female patient was now having diabetes mellitus, what would be your drug of choice? 若以上的女性高血压患者同时患上糖尿病,你处方的药物为何?
If the fewer the remains of sodium sulfite in water sample and the lower the water treatment expenditure are,the better the judge criterion is;cabaltous sulfate catalyzing sodium sulfite is the most applicable deoxidant used for the vapor injection boiler 若按处理后水样中亚硫酸钠的残余量和吨水处理费用越少越好为衡量标准,硫酸钴催化亚硫酸钠除氧剂是最适合用作油田注汽锅炉用水除氧的除氧剂。
If the field is filled with the language of light pastel tones, this is a sign of a magnetic ascension. 如果能量场充满了光之语的浅粉音调,则那就是磁性提升的标志。
If the file system crashes, all remaining transactions in the log must still be performed. 日志中的事务异步写入文件系统,当文件系统被修改,这个事务从日志中删除.

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