Wheat and other crops grow best in the east of Britain. |
中文意思: 小麦和其他庄稼在英国的东部生长的最好。 |
Whats your greatest achievement to date?
你感到最自豪的成就是什么? |
Whe I take a bath, he will sit on closestool reading a magazine.
我洗澡时他拿了本杂志近来坐在马桶上看。 |
Whe a ew movement i art attai a certai fashion, it i advisable to find out what it advocate are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their rinciple may eem today, it i o ible that i year to come they may e regarded a ormal.
当艺术领域的一个新运动发展成某种流行时尚时,最好应该弄清这场运动倡导者的真正意图,因为,不管他们的原则在今天看来多么牵强无理,很可能多年以后他们的理论会被视为正常。 |
Whe she is looking me like the way she knows me?
为什么她看着我仿佛她认识我似的。 |
Wheat and other cereal grains were grown for family use.
小麦和其他粮食作物的种植是为家庭所用。 |
Wheat and other crops grow best in the east of Britain.
小麦和其他庄稼在英国的东部生长的最好。 |
Wheat fertilization mainly in basal, all organic manure, P and K and half of N fertilizers are applied at plowing, the rest N fertilizer dressed in jointing stage along with irrigation.
小麦施肥主要为基肥,全部有机肥、磷、钾和一半氮肥翻地时施入,其余氮肥在拔节期随灌水追施。 |
Wheat flour taintedwiththe chemical melamine was blamed for pet deaths and led totherecall of pet-food products.
从中国进口的含三聚氰胺的面粉被指是美国多起宠物死亡事件的元凶,这些事件导致不少宠物食品被迫召回。 |
Wheat flour, vegetable oil, malt extract, salt, calcium carbonate, whey powder, whole milk powder, raising agent, yeast, egg powder, crocin yellow, yeast extract, sodium metabisulphite, vitamin D.
配料:小麦粉、植物油、麦芽精、食用盐、碳酸钙、乳清粉、全脂奶粉、膨松剂、酵母、鸡蛋粉、栀子黄、酵母提取物、焦亚硫酸钠、维生素D。 |
Wheat harvests from Australia to Argentina, Europe and North America have been affected by drought, heatwaves and, in the case of Ukraine, infestation from the Eurygaster beetle.
从澳大利亚到阿根廷、欧洲和北美,小麦收成都受到了干旱和热浪的影响,乌克兰则受到扁盾蝽(一种甲虫)的袭击。 |
Wheat is grown in Australia in environments ranging from sub-tropical to Mediterranean.
澳大利亚的小麦生长在从亚热带到地中海类型的环境中,生长期间雨水的变化很大。 |