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Analysis of DNA Content from Cells of Rectal Cancer with Flow Cytometry

Analysis of 3D Thermo - electric Field Potential for 300 kA Aluminum Electrolysis Cell Using ANSYS 300kA铝电解槽三维电热场电位ANSYS分析
Analysis of ATM Cell Loss for Systems with Multiple On-off Traffic Sources 多个开/关传输源系统的ATM信元丢失分析
Analysis of Cellular DNA Content in Epithelial Ovarian Carcinomas 卵巢恶性上皮性肿瘤细胞DNA含量的研究
Analysis of Cytogenetics and Immunology in 232 Couples with Spontaneous Abortion 232对自然流产夫妇细胞遗传学及免疫学分析
Analysis of Cytokines and Cytokine Receptors Gene Polymorphisms and the Levels of Expression in Donors and Recipients of Cadaveric Kidney Transplantation 肾移植供、受者细胞因子及其受体基因多态性与表达水平研究
Analysis of DNA Content from Cells of Rectal Cancer with Flow Cytometry 直肠癌细胞DNA含量流式细胞仪分析
Analysis of Differential Display Genes and Protein between Keloid and Normal Skin 瘢痕疙瘩差异表达基因的筛选及标志蛋白的分析
Analysis of Fatty Acid Composition in Cell Membrane of High and Low Metastatic Adenocarcinoma of Human Lung 高低转移性不同的人肺腺癌细胞膜脂肪酸分析
Analysis of Hepatocyte Ploidy of Rats at Different Age of with Liver Regeneration 大鼠不同年龄及再生肝的肝细胞核倍体分析
Analysis of Lysosomal Protective Protein Gene Mutations in Galactosialidosis and Its Structure-Function Relationship 溶酶体保护蛋白的基因突变及其结构与功能关系的研究
Analysis of Nuclear DNA Content in Rat Hepatocytes of Different Age and Liver Regeneration 正常不同鼠龄及再生肝的肝细胞DNA含量分析

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