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A method of calculating the minimal and the maximal whiting values of the grey relational grades was given and a relational sequence of some comparative grey numeral sequences with the reference grey numeral sequence arranged.

A method is presented in which raising or lowing operator is used, to obtain the general expression of eigenfunctions of operators of observerbles. This method is much simpler than others. 给出一种利用升或降算符计算力学量算符本征函数一般表达形式的方法.这种方法比其它方法简单得多.
A method is provided for the arithmetic of bomb consuming go conventional missile damage airdrome target, and this model deserves military applied value in practive. 为常规导弹武器打击机场目标耗量的最优算法提供了一种方法,具有一定的参考价值。
A method of access in which data transfers through input/output channels are made only as and when called for in a user program. 一种存取方法,只有当用户程序提出请求时,才能实现通过输入输出通道的数据传输。
A method of accounting for uncollectible accounts in which an estimate is made of the amount of sales on account for which payment will not be received. 是指在会计期末时,将期间的赊账、坏账编制分录为费用和一个备抵账户,在以后实际发生坏账时冲减该备抵账户的会计方法。
A method of addressing in which the address part of an instruction contains a relative address. 一种寻址方法,按照这种寻址法,指令的地址部分存放的是相对地址。
A method of calculating the minimal and the maximal whiting values of the grey relational grades was given and a relational sequence of some comparative grey numeral sequences with the reference grey numeral sequence arranged. 进一步给出了灰关联度最小、最大白化值的一种计算方法和一些比较序列与参考序列的关联序的一种排法。
A method of collecting data through oral questioning of a respondent, either in person, or over the telephone. 通过面对面或电话来口头询问被访者的数据收集方法.
A method of curve fitting is pointed out based on neuaral network in the paper, and it solves detector spectral three primary color stimuli nonlinearity error problem. 提出了一种基于人工神经网络的曲线拟合的方法,解决了探测器的光谱三刺激值非线性误差问题。
A method of displaying information on a CRT such that when the display screen is full an additional line of text overwrites the top line. 在阴极射线管上显示信息的一种方法,当显示屏满屏时,若再有一行正文出现,则让它重写在最高一行上。
A method of dividing important eco-function areas in Nanjing,including the styles of important eco-function areas and the principle of setting dividing line is presented.The important eco-function areas are dividing in the city. 提出了对城市范围内的重要生态功能区进行分类划定的方法,包括功能区的划分类型、边界确定的原则等,并以南京市为例,对其市域范围内的重要生态功能区进行了区域划分。
A method of dyeing a fabric by which the parts of the fabric not intended to be dyed are covered with removable wax. 蜡染印花法一种染织物的方法,用这种方法,织物的不染色部分被可剥落的蜡所覆盖而其余部分则染上色

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