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In case, extension of shipment validity in L/C is made at the request of the bidder / supplier/ local agent, the validity of P.G should also be extended by the supplier to cover 6 months time from the expiring date of shipment.

In case you leave your belongings in the taxi, be sure to present the info card to our Assistant Manager so he/she can assist. 如有被遗忘的物品或其他事项,需要寻找该出租车,一定要将提醒卡上记录的信息告诉大堂经理,我们酒店大堂经理可以与您一起解决问题。
In case you need something, please don't hesitate to let me know. 如果你需要什么东西,请不客气地对我说。
In case you were wondering, it's all worth it. Either that or I'm just the type to enjoy repeated blows to the head. 不必犹豫,不管你是上面我说的那样,还是仅仅是一个喜欢在游戏里疯狂爆头的人,这一章都值得一看。
In case you're not sure, that is supposed to look like a hockey net. 如果你不知道,那是用来宛若曲棍球网.
In case Ⅰ, we noticed that corticosteroids or hydroxychloroquine may help to control autoimmune thyroid inflammation in SLE patients with hypothyroidism, and may turn abnormal thyroid function back to normal. 在第一个病例中,我们注意到皮质类固醇或氢氧奎宁可能可帮助全身性红斑狼疮合并甲状腺功能低下症的病人控制自体免疫性甲状腺发炎及将不正常的甲状腺功能转变为正常。
In case, extension of shipment validity in L/C is made at the request of the bidder / supplier/ local agent, the validity of P.G should also be extended by the supplier to cover 6 months time from the expiring date of shipment. 如投标人/供货商/本地代理要求延长信用证上的装运有效期,供货商也应将质保有效期从装运期满日起延长六个月。
In cases cultivated land, grassland or forest land is damaged due to mining, the mining enterprise concerned shall take measures to utilize the land affected, such as by reclamation, tree and grass planting, as appropriate to the local conditions. 耕地、草原、林地因采矿受到破坏的,矿山企业应当因地制宜地采取复垦利用、植树种草或者其他利用措施。
In cases of hypovolemic shock, of which there are thousands every year, physicians try to stanch bleeding or other fluid loss and administer blood or saltwater, or do both, to replenish what was lost. 美国每年约有数千起的低血容积性休克病例,医师为了补充患者流失的血液或体液,会试著止血或阻止其他体液的流失,再为患者输血或给予生理食盐水,或两种都补充。
In cases of leprous diseases be very careful to do exactly as the priests, who are Levites, instruct you. You must follow carefully what I have commanded them. 8在大痲疯的灾病上、你们要谨慎、照祭司利未人一切所指教你们的、留意遵行、我怎样吩咐他们、你们要怎样遵行。
In cases of losses caused by a breach of contract, the financial responsibility shall be borne by the party that has breached the contract. 如果因违反合同而造成损失的,应由违反合同的一方承担经济责任。
In cases of losses caused by a breach of contract, the financial responsibility shall be borne by the party that has violated the contract. 如果因违反合同而造成损失的,应由违反合同的一方承担经济责任。

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