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If your purpose is to solicit information or action from another person via email, you must make that clear to them at the earliest possible point in the message.

If your printer doesn't work after you've connected a second network card, it can help to know the standard IRQ for printers. 如果在你已经连接一个第二个网络卡之后,你的打印机不工作,它能帮助为打印机知道标准的IRQ。
If your priorities are reality-based training, the inclusion of some boxing and muaythai into the equation is not as incongruous as you may think. 如果你的首选是街头实战训练,将某些拳击和泰拳技巧融入你的体系并不会像你想的那样不合适。
If your product has the following specification: Glass with a coefficient of inferior or equal linear expansion to 5 xs 10 -6 by Kelvin, between 0 degrees and 300 degrees Celsius. 客户问我我们的玻璃有没有以下的规格,好象跟耐热有关,可是具体的我也不懂,大家帮忙看一下什么意思好吗?
If your program depends on a non-free library to do a certain job, it cannot do that job in the Free World. 如果你的程序依赖一个非自由的库来完成一些工作,它不能在自由世界做那样的工作。
If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. 如果你的程序是一个子程序信息库,你可能认为允许把专有的应用与信息库相联系是更有用的。
If your purpose is to solicit information or action from another person via email, you must make that clear to them at the earliest possible point in the message. 如果你的目的是通过电子邮件获取信息或者要求别人做什么,那么你必须在讯息的最开头就向他们传达清楚。
If your quality is good and the price is suitable for our market, we would consider signing a long-term contract with you. 若质量好且价格适合我方市场的话,我们愿考虑与你方签署一项长期合同。
If your question has not be answered by this FAQ or if you require further assistance, please contact NETELLER Customer Service. 汉语翻译:你问题不这FAQ回答或者你要求更远帮助如果,请接触NETELLER顾客服务。
If your radiation badge turns red, you had better go to the hospital. 如果辐射标识牌上的红灯亮你最好去医院了。
If your request can't be accommodated for any reason, we will try to get back to you about it as soon as we find out. 如果因为某些理由而无法提供协助,我们也会尽快回覆给你我们所得到的结果。
If your resolution is to start running every morning then give yourself a hand: the night before your run, lay out those running clothes beside your bed. 如果你下的决心是每天早晨开始去慢跑,那就帮自己一个忙吧:在你去跑步的前一晚,把跑步服装摆放在你的床边。

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