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If you hands are nervous and cold, that will hamper the energies.

If you had plans to attend, will you still go to Roland Garros, or are you going to cancel your trip and/or sell/give away/tear up your tickets? 如果你原打算去观看比赛,你还会继续前往罗兰·加洛斯,还是取消你的行程,卖掉/送掉/撕掉你的球票?
If you had the opportunity to help reduce unemployment, stimulate the local economy, or inspire young people toward successful, productive careers — all while applying and developing your own vocational skills — would you jump at the chance? 如果您有机会协助减少失业,振兴当地经济,或给予年轻人一些启发,使他们踏入能够成功、更有成果的事业—同时又能应用及发展您自己的职业技能—您会不会逮住此一大好机会?
If you had to set up a new company to enter the hospital supply market in 1993, how would you do it? 在1993年,如果要成立一个公司进入医院供应系统市场,你会怎么做?
If you had to think of an automotive oxymoron, sexy minivanwould come to mind. 如果让你想出一个有关汽车的前后矛盾的修辞,你的脑海中可能会出现性感的微面。
If you haggle over the price, they might give you discount. 你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。
If you hands are nervous and cold, that will hamper the energies. 如果你的手是抖动和冰凉的,就会妨碍能量流动。
If you hang about the office for a bit, you may catch Comrade Lin as he arrives. 要是你在办公室附近等一会儿,林同志来上班时你就可以遇到他了。
If you hang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing from getting the fullest possible value what you read. 假如一开始你就犹豫、保留和挑剔,你就不可能从书中汲取全部的精华。
If you hang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you need. 若是你一开始便固步自封,先入为主,求全责备,你就不可能最大限度地从所读的书中获益。
If you hang back, and reserve, and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. 假如你退缩不前,有所保留并且一开始就批评指责,你就在妨碍自己从所读的书中得到最大的益处。
If you hanker for the great outdoor,it would hard to beat switzerland. 如果你对户外的极致景色心驰神往,那么瑞士就是最佳之选。

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