John James Smith is charged with stealing. The said John Smith was seen leaving the shop at the times stated.
约翰.詹姆.史密斯笨被控犯有窃盗罪。有人看见该约翰.史密斯在所提及的时间离开那家商店。 |
John Jones fecit.
约翰锺斯作。 |
John Jr., did you weep too? You thought Tao Zi's very pitiful, didn't you?
仓里满:“小强,你也哭了?你也觉得陶子很可怜吗?” |
John Kerry reluctantly conceded defeat only when he calculated that there were not enough uncounted ballots to provide him with the votes he needed.
当待统计选票的数量已无法达到获胜所需票数后,约翰·克里不得不无奈地承认自己的失败。 |
John Kerry said Tuesday that President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have no standing in criticizing his military service and anti-war effort.
约翰·凯利周二表示,总统布什和副总统迪克·切尼无权批评他的戎马生涯和为反战所做出的努力。 |
John Kerry says the GOP is capitalizing on what he is calling a botched joke meant to criticize White House war policy.
约翰·科里称,美国共和党正利用一个用他的话来说叫做“拙劣的笑话”意图批评白宫的战争政策。 |
John Kerry seems less open to refashioning.
在改变形象上,克里就显得不太开放。 |
John Kerry wants to make class sizes smaller, so that children… so that children get the best part out of learning.
约翰-克里希望缩小课堂规模,从而使孩子们……从而使孩子们得到最佳的学习效果。 |
John Kilcullen is the chairman and CEO of IDG Books Worldwide, which publishes the Dummiesseries of how-to books.
约翰·基尔卡伦是出版入门读物《傻瓜丛书》的IDG全球书业的主席和总经理。 |
John Lennon says, The Beatles are more popular than Jesuswhich sparks controversy in the United States.
1966年的今天,约翰·列侬说,甲壳虫乐队“比耶稣更有名”,从而在美国激起了争论。 |
John Locke ia England philosopher around 16 century. He ifamoufor hithe second treation government, so the question is: Doehe, John Locke, support Kingship?
洛克支持王权/君主制吗?洛克是16世纪的哲学家.他的政治哲学很有名.美国的政治体制就是建立在他的学说上的. |