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Canadians enjoy the traditional polar bear swim. People of all ages put on their swimsuits and jump into frozen lakes.

Canadian: It's a lovely day, isn't it? 加拿大人:今天天气真好!
Canadian: Yes, in the morning it is like this. 加拿大人:早上都是这样的。
Canadian: Yes. I come every other day, in the morning. 加拿大人:是的。我隔天早上来。
Canadians can continue to use such documents as their birth certificates and drivers' licence to cross the Canada-U.S. border BY LAND AND SEA for at least another year. 加拿大公民可在至少一年之内,继续使用公民卡或出生证名加上一个有效的带有照片的身份证明从海路或陆路进入美国。
Canadians can give the environment a big bear hug this winter if they adopt a polar bear in a program sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund. 加拿大人可以在这个冬天和大自然来个“大熊抱”!———如果他们愿意响应世界野生动物基金会的号召,而每人“收养”一只北极熊的话。
Canadians enjoy the traditional polar bear swim. People of all ages put on their swimsuits and jump into frozen lakes. 而加拿大人呢,他们热衷于传统的北极熊游泳。不论老少,人们都穿起泳衣,跳进冰冷的湖水中畅游一番。
Canadians have no wish to play armchair quarterback or to sit in judgment of U.S. frailties. 加拿大人不希望纸上谈兵或对美国的失误指手划脚。
Canadians went to the polls on Monday in a largely unwanted early federal election which pits Prime Minister Jean Chretien's Liberals against the right-wing opposition Canadian Alliance of Stockwell Day. 大多数的加拿大人已经对过多的投票活动感到厌烦,不过周一选民还是得到投票所投票,以选出下届的新总理和国会议员。这次选举的重头戏主要是在总理克瑞强所属的自由党与右翼反对党--加拿大联盟党之间的较劲。
Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course. 加拿大人:不,我也再说一遍,应该是您改变航线。
Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision. 加拿大人:建议您改变航线,15度,偏南,以免撞船。
Canard wing increases lift coefficient with the penalty of the increase of drag coefficient. 低于主机翼的鸭翼将加强前掠翼布局的缓失速特性。

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