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Time series model can simulate and predict the increase of Quercus variabilis population by the difference, periodic method.

Time reports Beijing on the grounds of USA Chicago Tribune on August 2, Los Angeles Lakers manages affairs ball star section actually is thoroughly discredited by person ejection than · Bulaiente has become the guest that the night club does not welcome. 北京时间8月2日,据美国《芝加哥论坛报》报道,洛杉矶湖人当家球星科比·布莱恩特成为了夜总会不欢迎的客人,竟然颜面扫地被人驱逐出场。
Time reveals all things. 时间会揭露一切。
Time reveals(discloses) all things. 万事日久自明。
Time sequence enters spring and summer, make people experience the living again, lively atmosphere in riotous profusion of earth too, sharp fashion smell the breath already, take place and think with animal, flowers and plants of natural imagination; In a 时序进入春夏,也令人愈感受到大地重生、缤纷热闹的氛围,敏锐的流行时尚早已嗅到这股气息,以大自然中的动物、花草等作为发想;另外,受到复古风的盛行,服装设计不仅回溯到上个世纪的流行元素,甚至于陪伴五、六年级生长大的卡通人物,也成为设计题材。
Time series methods are especially good for short-term forecasting where, within reason, the past behaviour of a particular variable is a good indicator of its future behaviour, at least in the short-term. 时间序列法特别适合短期预测,原因之一是一个特定变量的可以由先前的属性推断出未来属性,至少短期可以。
Time series model can simulate and predict the increase of Quercus variabilis population by the difference, periodic method. 摘要时间序列分析可以通过差分、周期的方法,对植物种群的增长进行模拟与预测。
Time setting function for electrode and working material to prevent carbon accumulated and electrode consumed. 电极与工作物放电时之时间设定功能,可防积碳及防电极损耗。
Time shall in all respects be of the essence of these Conditions. 此章程所订明之时间限制均极为重要。
Time slips away with no awareness of it in his mind. 时间在他心里悄悄地流逝。
Time span from subretinal pigment epithelium hemorrhage to vitreous hemorrhage averaged 11 days (1 to 3 weeks). 六例(85%)接受经扁平部玻璃体切除术。
Time spent in study is well bestowed. 把时间用于学习是值得的。

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