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I am not used to eating spicy food.

I am not to be imposed upon. 我是不会上当的。
I am not too much of a planner, so right now I guess I would say my next goal is winning another championship. 我并不算是个很有计划的人,所以我会说目前我的目标就是再赢一个总冠军。
I am not trusted some domestic media. 至于那些(中国)国内的媒介我是不大相信。
I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. 我并非没有注意到你们有些人历尽艰难困苦来到这里。
I am not used to dress like this. It is exhausting! 我不习惯这样穿着,好累哦!
I am not used to eating spicy food. 我不习惯吃辛辣的食物。
I am not used to such wide-open spaces. Aunty never went anywhere that was not carpeted. 娜里亚:这么宽广的空间我真不太习惯。不过要是我姑妈,连没铺地毯的路恐怕都没走过。
I am not used to their way of living. 我不习惯他们的生活方式。
I am not used to this cold weather here. 我对这里寒冷的天气不习惯。
I am not very good at maths, but Wei Fang said she's going to help me. 我不太擅长数学,但是魏芳说她会帮助我。
I am not waiting for anybody. 我没在等谁。

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