Marcus: he should see a doctor, quick.
他应该去看医生,快点! |
Marcus:right.let's get back to base!
马库斯:对,那我们回基地吧! |
Marcus:yeah,peaceful!,but noly for look it!
马库斯是啊,非常安宁!但仅仅是看起来像而已! |
Marcus:But I'm really good at it on the computer simulation game. Isn't that enough?
马卡斯:但我真的擅长计算机仿真游戏,这够不够资格呢? |
Marcus:Yeah. Why not? It's worth a try. I'd love to go to exotic places.
马卡斯:对,有何不妥?值得一试吧,我爱去外地。 |
Marek Jankulovski released Gilardino, who had the freedom of the United half to bear down on Van der Sar and pick his spot low to the Dutch goalkeeper's left.
扬库洛夫斯基把球传给吉拉迪诺,后者狂奔半场,面对范德萨,将球射向荷兰人的左边,球进了。 |
Margalit, Avishai &Joseph Raz 1995, “National Self-Determination.” in The Rights of Minority Cultures, (ed.) by Will Kymlicka. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
以赛亚·伯林,2003a,《民族主义:往昔的被忽视与今日的威力》,《反潮流:观念史论文集》,冯克利译,南京:译林出版社。 |
Margaret Hilda Thatcher won the 1983 general elections on June 9, became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990.
1983年6月9日,玛格丽特·撒切尔在英国大选中取胜,从1979年到1900年连任英国首相。 |
Margaret L. Andersen, Howard F. Taylor(2002)Sociolory:understanding a diverse society. Chapter: 10 Social Class and Social Stratification. Wadsworth Group.
王振寰、瞿海源主编(1999)社会学与台湾社会,第六章社会阶层化、第九章家庭。台北:巨流。 |
Margaret L. Andersen, Howard F. Taylor(2002)Sociolory:understanding a diverse society. Chapter: 21 Population, Urbanism, and Environment. Wadsworth Group.
王振寰、瞿海源主编(1999)社会学与台湾社会,第十六章人口。台北:巨流。 |
Margaret L. Andersen, Howard F. Taylor(2002)Sociolory:understanding a diverse society. Chapter: 3 Culture. Wadsworth Group.
王振寰、瞿海源主编(1999)社会学与台湾社会,第三章文化。台北:巨流。 |