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Each Card includes 200 balls, you also be provided with a 7-iron club.

Each ADS represents four common shares of New Oriental, and shares begin trading Thursday on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker EDU. 每股美国存托凭证相当于四股新东方普通股,新东方在纽约股票交易所的交易代码为“EDU”。
Each Account is assigned a Cross-Project Identifier(CPID) when it's created; it's a long random string. 每个帐号在被创建时被随机分配一个字符串,即跨项目标识符,简称CPID。
Each Admiralty Chart carries a reference number. The reference numbers are allocated in a random manner and charts in a particular area frequently do not have numbers running in sequence. 每张英版海图都有一个图号。图号是随机分配的,对某一特定水域图号不是连续的。
Each Automatic Weather Station comprises two masts of about 5m and 10m high respectively and concrete plinths for setting up the masts, equipments and ductwork, with an area of about 10m x 10m. 每个自动气象站面积约十米乘十米,设有两支分别约五米高和十米高的桅杆和混凝土基座以装设桅杆、设备和缆槽。
Each BOINC software component has a version consisting of three integers: major, minor, and release. BOINC软件各组成部分均有三类发行版本:大的、小的、自释放的。
Each Card includes 200 balls, you also be provided with a 7-iron club. 特惠球卡100元/张,每张卡包含200粒球,赠送7号铁杆一支。
Each Classic treble string is ground using proprietary centerless grinding techniques.oundness &dimension control are unsurpassed,insuring absolutely perfect intonation. Rectified nylon strings are known for their warmertone. 每条高音古典琴弦均使用独家的技术进行精细的碾磨.弦线的圆满程度和直径控制都非常出色,以确保音调的完美无暇.经改良后的弦线以其更温暖的音质而著称.
Each Company is slightly larger than a standard Codex Company, and squads were reorganised following Roboute Guilliman's writing of the Codex Astartes after the Great Heresy. 每个连队都比一般包含了一千名战士的其他星际战士战团要大,而战斗小队则在那场可怕的叛乱后根据罗保特基里曼的著作阿斯塔特盛典进行重组。
Each Company was founded from the seven greatest settlements of Nocturne, each commanded by a Captain from that settlement. 每个战团都由七个那克土恩的殖民地支撑,其指挥官也必然来自于那七个殖民地之一。
Each Department could get new helmets and collect the old ones to the EHS engineer. 各部门统一领取新安全帽,收集旧安全帽交安全环保工程师。
Each Dibaoer will manufacture the best quality products and service for each customer by the more consummate technique and service. 迪宝人将继续以更精湛的制作技艺以及更务实的工作作风为每一位客户提供最优质的产品和一流的服务。

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