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Study the detection of p53 gene mutation on colorectal cancer and liver metastasis by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and automated sequencing;

The pharmacokinetic features of ferulic acid (FA) in different prescriptions of Danggui, Danggui Chunaxiong and Danggui Baishao, were compared in rabbits in vivo . 比较当归的不同配伍药对当归 -川芎和当归 -白芍中阿魏酸在兔体内药代动力学特征 ,结果显示 :不同复方配伍后药物作用的改变同药物体内药代动力学参数的变化有直接关系。
Compares the main propylene carbonyl synthesis processes and the development of relative catalyst at home and abroad,and analyzes several methods of recovering waste Rhodium catalysts. 比较国内外丙烯羰基合成主流技术以及羰基合成催化剂的研究进展情况。
Staining effects of uranine and Coomassie brilliant blue R-250 on Blumeria graminis f. 比较了荧光素钠和考马斯亮蓝应用于小麦白粉病菌染色的效果。
Treating tibia fracture by cross lock myelocoel file inner fixation combined with closed reduction; 闭合复位加交锁髓内钉内固定治疗胫骨骨折
Plasmid Encoding CD40 Ligand Enhances Immune Response to Influenza DNA Vaccine; 编码流感病毒血凝素基因和CD40L的核酸疫苗抗小鼠流感研究
Study the detection of p53 gene mutation on colorectal cancer and liver metastasis by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and automated sequencing; 变性凝胶电泳和自动DNA序列分析检测结直肠肝转移癌p53基因突变的研究
Effection of Sample Factors to ELISA Detection; 标本因素对酶联免疫吸附试验测定的影响
Top-gap and gear driver geometrical dimensions have an inherent connection. 标准齿轮按标准中心距安装时具有标准顶隙 ,顶隙和齿轮传动几何尺寸之间具有固定的关系。
Imageologic and Pathologic Study of the Anticancer Effect of Bone Cement Pharmorubicin Mixture: An Experimental Evaluation; 表阿霉素骨水泥抗肿瘤效应的影像和病理研究—实验评价
Clinical research of dose - dense combinated pharmorubicin with paclitaxel in advanced breast cancer treatment; 表阿霉素联合紫杉醇密集化疗治疗晚期乳腺癌的临床研究
Application of expressed sequence tag in the study of functional genomics of parasitology; 表达序列标签在寄生虫功能基因组学研究中的应用

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