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The cost of computer memory is cheap enough that audio and video tapes (not to mention film) are on the road to extinction.

The cost of arbitration shall be borne by the losing party. 仲裁费用应由败诉方承担。
The cost of building one is phenomenal, and it'll take a lot of time to get one into the water. 建造一个这样的家伙的花费显而易见,要让一艘战列舰下水还需要很长时间。
The cost of business travel and entertainment can be set against the tax. 出差费和娱乐费可以被用来抵销税金。
The cost of buying a range of goods and services in big European cities has become more similar, even though there are marked differences in individual products, a new study by Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein has found. 该研究在欧洲7个城市对250种商品(多数为品牌商品)的“篮子”进行比较后发现,欧元区物价最贵的城市巴黎与物价最便宜城市马德里之间的差距仅为3.8%。
The cost of communications has been high. 沟通的费用有是高的。
The cost of computer memory is cheap enough that audio and video tapes (not to mention film) are on the road to extinction. 计算机存储的成本也便宜得让磁带和录像带(更别提电影胶片)开始逐渐消失。
The cost of confinement will be about $80m a year—much more than prison. 民事监禁一年的花费将近8千万美元—比监狱要昂贵得多。
The cost of defending the libel action almost ~ed the small magazine. 为诽谤罪辩护的诉讼费几乎使这家小杂志社破产。
The cost of economic development is one of the basic issues of sustainable development, which contributes to the theory of sustainable development a totally new economic interpretative framework, that is, cost of economic development-the economic subject' 经济发展成本是可持续发展的基本问题,经济发展成本分析是可持续发展的理论基础,“经济发展成本-经济主体行为-制度安排”是可持续发展理论的一种新的经济学解释框架。
The cost of economic development refers to the measured calculation of non-reasonable ecological cost, environmental cost and resources cost consumed in the course of economic development. 摘要任何形式的经济发展都要付出一定的代价,经济发展代价的价值计量便是经济发展成本。
The cost of eggs rose by 23.6% year on year in August (albeit a slower rate than the peak of 34.8% in June). 蛋类消费成本在8月份同比上涨23.6%(虽然比6月份的34.8%最高点要低)。

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