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The company has lots of senior engineers and professional technicians and it is engaged in the production of various wet valve electromagnet MFB1(Z1)-YC Series, Lex Series of Germany, Youyan electromagnet series, AC/DC dry electromagnet, explosive electro

The company has introduced latest interational eqiuement and technology from abroad,specializing in silk waving pattern design and manufacture.The total product line includes various of silk waving trademark and make strip suitable to clothes,tie,toy,Tery 本公司引进国际最新设备与技术,专业丝织商标图案设计与生产,产品包括服装、领带、玩具、涤、棉毛毯、鞋帽类、箱报、手套等使用的各类丝织商标及花带,产品以外销为主。
The company has its headquarters in the suburbs. 这家公司把总部设在郊区。
The company has large-scale production workshop 7, intermediate frequency electric stove 4, cupola is mixed 2 times to it the manufacturing facilities of form a complete set, manage is changed collect measure establishment. 公司拥有大型生产车间7座、中频电炉4座、冲天炉2座和与之配套的生产设施、理化捡测设施。
The company has launched a campaign of publicity for a new car. 公司为它的新型汽车大作宣传。
The company has located on the West Coast. 公司设在西海岸.
The company has lots of senior engineers and professional technicians and it is engaged in the production of various wet valve electromagnet MFB1(Z1)-YC Series, Lex Series of Germany, Youyan electromagnet series, AC/DC dry electromagnet, explosive electro 公司拥有高级工程师和专业技术人员多名,是一家专业生产各种湿式阀用电磁铁MFB1(Z1)-YC系列,西德力士乐系列,日本油研电磁铁系列,交直流干式电磁铁,防爆电磁铁系列,混凝土输送泵用电磁铁。
The company has made gigantic losses this year, and will probably be out of business. 这个公司今年亏损巨大,有可能倒闭。
The company has made gigantic losses this year, and will probably go out of business. 那公司今年有巨大的亏损额,而且生意可能将倒闭。
The company has made notable gains in productivity. 该公司在生产能力方面已经有了明显的提高。
The company has made up of high-qualified members, of which junior college level covers 45%, high-professional level covers 8%, middle professional Level covers 15%. 公司拥有一支高素质的员工队伍,其中大专以上学历占45%,高级职称占8%,中级职称占15%。
The company has manufactured exquisite equipment, strength technique power, advanced water-tap processing craftwork with introducing international advanced manufacture equipment, presently the company mainly manufactured in basin, bathtub, shower, nappy, 公司生产设备精良,技术力量雄厚,拥有先进的水龙头制作工艺和技术,引进国际先进生产设备,现主要生产适用于面盆、浴缸、淋浴、菜盆、净身盘及恒温等高级水龙头和卫浴洁具的配套产品,主要销往东南亚各国,是“中国水暖生产基地”产品出口大户之一。

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