JUN:Perfect!I'll find out his favorite restaurant and make reservations.Then I'll call everyone and let them in on the plan.
太棒了!我会找出他最喜欢的饭店然后就定位。接着我会打电话通知每个人让他们了解我们的计划。 |
JUNG provides a common and extendible language for the modeling, analysis, and visualization of data that can be represented as a graph or network.
JUNG提供了一个公共的可扩展的语言来建模、分析和可视化数据,数据可以通过图形或网络来提供。 |
JUNIOR : You said it was my lunch money.
儒尼尔:你说过这是给我的午饭钱嘛。 |
JUN:But you've been make cooking for years.
但是你当厨师已经好多年了。 |
JUST AS PEOPLE FEEL sorrow about the opportunities they have forgone, they may also suffer regret about the option they settle on.
如同机会溜走会令人感到懊悔,人们也可能对已做下的决定感到遗憾。 |
想想看你现在有多聪明。 |
JUST as Al Gore's film, An Inconvenient Truth, has raised awareness of global warming, a new documentary about the demise of the electric car is about to ignite another environmental debate.
如同阿尔格莱的电影一样,《一个不利的现实》使人们意识到全球变暖的状况,这部关于电汽车消亡的新记录片将会引发环保问题的另一场争论。 |
JUST as Rheingau Riesling was making its mark again as one of the world's finest wines, it has come under threat from an unexpected source: climate change.
莱茵高的“雷司令”刚刚重拾世界顶级葡萄酒的荣誉,又面临一场意想不到的考验:气候变化。 |
JUST over two years after a big unlicensed bank was last found in China, another surfaced this week.
距上次在中国发现大的无证银号仅仅两年后,本周又有一个浮现出来。 |
JUST when it looked as if prices of domestically traded shares in China were approaching lunatic levels, a reassuring thing happened: the stockmarket cooled down.
就在国内股票价格看似已经涨至几近疯狂水平之时,一件让人宽心的事情又在此刻发生了:股市退烧了。 |
JUSTICE. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.
公正。不做损害别人的事情,要做对别人有益的事。 |