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Disciple Yeo Jui Khin wrote a Chinese essay on reflections on reading my poem, Mind as Cemetery.

Disciple Jui Khin wants to include the holy image of Medicine Guru Buddha that we used in fire pujas in his forthcoming book, Dharma Nectar of Medicine Guru Buddha, so I scan it for the purpose. 弟子惟钦希望将我们在火供时所使用的那张药师佛圣像列入他即将出版的《药师佛法露》一书中,所以我将之扫瞄以供使用。
Disciple Suan Kuang in Melaka, Malaysia wrote me a supplication asking me to write in calligraphy the holy epithet of the Earth Treasure Bodhisattva. 在马来西亚,马六甲的弟子传光写了一祈请电邮,要求我手书地藏王菩萨的圣号。
Disciple Wang Hao had wrote my three poems on Deep Silence on a piece of paper. It looks very nice and I share it with all of you. 弟子王浩在一张纸上写了我所作三首有关深寂的诗。写得很好看,我和大家分享。
Disciple Wang Hao improved his seal on Clear Bright Great Mind and send it to me. 弟子王浩改善他大心清明的印文并传来给我。
Disciple Wang Hao sent his calligraphy of Heart Sutra and my Heart Sastra as presents for my birthday. 弟子王浩传来他手书的心经及我的心要作为我的生日贺礼。
Disciple Yeo Jui Khin wrote a Chinese essay on reflections on reading my poem, Mind as Cemetery. 弟子杨惟钦写了一篇读我〈心如坟场〉一诗有感的中文作品。
Disciple Zhi Xuan had added a 4-page epilog to this ritual text for group offerings. The final version attached. 弟子智宣已增入4页的跋文于此荟供的仪轨中。附呈此定案版本。
Disciples can wear medium armor and can wield martial staffs, knuckles, martial swords, hand to hand, two-handed piercing, and two-handed slashing weapons. 信徒可以装备中甲并能使用杖,拳套,剑,空手,双手穿刺以及双手利器。
Disciplinary action will be in accordance with Company policy and may include termination of employment. 处罚的行动将依据公司政策和可能包括开除并终止雇用关系.
Disciplinary practices must be in accordance to applicable local laws. 惩戒措施必须符合所适用的当地法律.
Discipline and Conduct:Degree of self-consciousness shown in abiding to related rules and regulations. 品行与行为:遵守管理公司的条例及规则.

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