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After many reprimands, she found refuge in a visiting professorship in the electrical department, which turned her post into a tenured position a year later.

After many hardships endured in pioneering work, it now becomes a modern multi-functional enterprise involved in home trade, real estate, construction, decoration, hotel, industry and commerce. 经过艰苦创业,公司从五千元起家,到1997年8月公司已发展成为集国内贸易、房地产、建筑装饰、酒店业、工业及商业为一体的现代化、多元化大型企业。
After many hours in the saddle he was very weary. 骑马骑了几个小时后,他非常疲倦。
After many hours of soul-searching, he decided to admit his guilt. 反思了好多小时后,他决定承认自己的罪行.
After many meetings, much soul-searching and a lot of acrimonious debate, various synagogue groups in the most liberal denominations and Jewish civic organizations decided to reverse their approach. 经过多次会议,多次诚挚的自我反省和多次言辞尖刻的争论,各种各样最不保守教派的犹太会堂组织和犹太人市民组织决定改变他们的策略。
After many months at sea, Columbus sighted land. 在海上许多月以后,哥伦布发现了陆地。
After many reprimands, she found refuge in a visiting professorship in the electrical department, which turned her post into a tenured position a year later. 她受过许多训诫后,终于在电机系找到访问教授的职位,一年之后就聘为终身职教授。
After many simulations, using real data to vary arrival and departure times, each plane learned how to avoid an intolerable wait on the tarmac. 在进行了许多次的模拟之后,他们使用了真实的数据进行了测试,如使用各种飞机到达时间与起飞时间,在这次的试验中,飞机学会了如何在停机坪避免难耐的等待。
After many trial and tribulation , we finally reach our destination. 经过了许多考验和磨难之后,我们终于到达了目的地。
After many trial and tribulation, we finally reach our destination. 经过了许多考验和磨难之後,我们终於到达了目的地。
After many trips, the pond was full again, just as it had been before the drought. 这样运了很多趟,池子又满了,就像没有干涸前一样。
After many weeks of this kind of medical bungling, Garfield was rescued by death on September 19th. 这种医疗上的失误持续了许多个星期后,到了9月19日,死亡拯救了加菲尔德。

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