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I have seen emperor in their nakedness, and the sight is not inspired.

I have seen an end of all perfection: but thy commandment is exceeding broad. 诗119:96我看万事尽都有限.惟有你的命令、极其宽广。
I have seen an horrible thing in the house of Israel: there is the whoredom of Ephraim, Israel is defiled. 10在以色列家,我见了可憎的事。在以法莲那里有淫行,以色列被玷污。
I have seen and I testify that this is the Son of God. 34我看见了、就证明这是神的儿子。
I have seen countless posts on this and other message boards, and even personal email has been sent to me, all asking the same question: How do I make it so my stupid objects move at the same speed if the frame rate rises or drops? 在各种论坛以及我收到的个人邮件里,很多人都问我相同的一个问题:我是怎样让我游戏里那些物体以相同速度运动,而无论帧率是下降还是上升?
I have seen dying Vampire Lords reborn in the blood of fallen enemies. 在吸血鬼的可怕攻击面前,根本不可能反击。(吸血鬼曰:我们的目标是——没有蛀牙!)
I have seen emperor in their nakedness, and the sight is not inspired. 我曾经看过皇帝一丝不挂,惟其光景并无引人入胜之处。
I have seen enough! Your soul is forfeit, and I can overlook this no more! 凯东:我已受够了!你的灵魂已经彻底腐化,我不能再坐视不管!
I have seen everything during my lifetime of futility; there is a righteous man who perishes in his righteousness and there is a wicked man who prolongs his life in his wickedness. 传7:15有义人行义、反致灭亡.有恶人行恶、倒享长寿.这都是我在虚度之日中所见过的。
I have seen external evaluations of boards take place but they take out the unpalatable stuff because they want to get the work again next year. “令人担忧的是,不足三分之一的董事会成员不能判断,他们是否帮助过本公司的非执行董事为履行其职能而作准备,”布洛赫女士说。
I have seen few fashionable uniforms. 我几乎没有看见过时髦的制服。
I have seen her taking a walk alone many a time. 我多次看到她独自一人在散步。

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