Don't take part in any tv show for matchmaking except when they pay you big money.
若没有五位数出场费,不要参加非常男女之类的电视节目.。 |
Don't take the job now keep your options open until you leave university.
先别接受这份工作--暂时保留选择权,到离开这所大学再说。 |
Don't take things so personally.
不要怀疑别人在讨论自己。 |
Don't take to crooked ways .
别走邪门歪道。 |
Don't take to crooked ways.
别走邪门歪道。 |
Don't take to heart every thing you hear.
不要将你所听到的每件有关你的事都放在心上,不忍释怀。 |
Don't take to heart everything you hear.
不要轻信你听到的每件事。 |
Don't take too much medicine .
药不要吃得太多. |
Don't take up a man's time talking about the smart-mess of your children; he wants to talk to you about the smartness of his children.
当别人在说你的孩子何漂亮俏俊的时候,别打断他的话;其实他的目的是想说他自己的孩子如何漂亮俏俊呢! |
Don't take what he says so seriously. He's always going gaga.
对他的话不要太在意了,他总是疯疯癫癫的。 |
Don't take your harp to the party.
勿反复罗嗦。 |