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Translation: Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory.

Translation work is cucial to any Chinese business web,especial for export business. International business experience and understanding the local culture are the key for web expression. 对于一个中国企业的商业网站,翻译工作是非常关键的。所以国际商务经验和对本地文化的理解是网站的文字表达的关键。
Translation's have rotten enough, which white Chi inventive? 翻译的有够烂,哪个白痴发明的?
Translation) This is not an easy to get species, Mr. Ali able to have and grow to such a beauty, congratulation. 这是个不易得到的品种,阿里兄能得到和种到这麽美,恭喜!
Translation, being an intellectual activity, the object of which is the transfer of literary, scientific and technical texts from one language into another, imposes on those who practice it specific obligations inherent in its very nature. 翻译工作作为一种脑力劳动其目的是将文学、科学方面的材料从一种语言译成另一种语言,从事这一工作的人承担着由该工作性质产生的特殊义务。
Translation, word processor, and filing skills are necessary. 具备翻译,文字处理及档案管理能力。
Translation: Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory. 「下定决心,不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利。」
Translation: The revolutionary war is a war of the masses; it can be waged only by mobilizing the masses and relying on them. 「革命战争是群众的战争,只有动员群众才能进行战争,只有依靠群众才能进行战争。」
Translation: After F4 they are the only group that has made Hong Kong women (excluding age) to be crazy about. F4之后佢系唯一再令香港女士们(不论年龄)疯狂的组合。
Translation: Controls Network Address Translation and packet redirection. 转换:控制网络地址转换和数据包重定向。
Translation: nicholas zhang will play a huge movie star that acts really cool (very different from what he is like in real life). ken wu will play his brother. they will fight over the female character played by cyndi. 剧中他饰演一位耍酷的巨星,但和现实中的他很大分别,吴克群会演他弟弟,周旋女主角王心凌之间。
Translations of pre-Islamic writers, Persian poets and mystics, along with Chinese poetry were printed one after the other. 前伊斯兰作家、波斯诗人和神秘主义、中国诗歌的翻译作品陆续出版。

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