Follow your nose to the end of the street, then turn right.
一直走到街的尽头,然后向右拐。 |
Follow your plan accurately and persistently.
正确而且坚定地照着计划去做。 |
Follow your teachers' advice, you'll never be sorry.
听从老师的忠告,你是不会后悔的。 |
Follow, my kin!
同胞们,跟上我! |
Follow-through and evaluation (via questionnaires, feedback forums, etc.) are important in planning for future conferences.
后续追踪以及会后评估(透过问卷、检讨会等)对于规划未来的职业会议很重要。 |
Follow-up abnormality report and IPQC report to ensure the corrective actions were carried out timely and effectively. Follow up improvement efforts and countermeasures to ensure there were implemented effectively.
对异常报告和IPQC的报告进行跟踪,确保纠正措施及时有效的执行。成果和对策进行跟踪,以确保连贯的有效的实施。 |
Follow-up angle fives are withdrawn before each subsequent thrust.
连续的角度5攻击是刺击后撤回然后再刺击,不断重复。 |
Follow-up brain CT revealed a hemorrhagic infarction over right temporal lobe.
其后的头部计算机断层追踪检查,于右侧颞叶发现出血性梗塞。 |
Follow-up maintenance team activities on a daily basis.
跟踪维护组的日常活动。 |
Follow-up observations with the Hubble Space Telescope confirmed its size.
随后他们用哈勃太空望远镜对其大小进行了确认。 |
Follow-up pacemaker evaluations were performed (including lead heating and pacing threshold) three months after the initial scan to assess any long-term damage to the devices.
在第一次扫描后3个月内进行随访,对心脏起搏器是否有长期损害进行了进一步的评价(包括主要的受热情况和起搏能力域值问题)。 |