She usually ranks second or third in the class.
她一般在班里拿第二第三。 |
She usually said: “I'll live for you.
这样的人经常这样说:“我要为你而活着。 |
She usually to do it orderly.
她做事有板有眼的。 |
She usually uses honey as a sweetener rather than sugar.
她通常不使用糖,而是以蜂蜜来增加甜味。 |
She usually wears smart/casual clothes.
她经常穿着漂亮/随意的衣服。 |
She uttered a wail of grief.
她悲痛地大声尖叫. |
She utterly despises him.
她非常瞧不起他。 |
She vacillated between hope and fear.
她时而抱有希望, 时而心存恐惧. |
She varied her dress as fashion changes.
她的衣着随着潮流而变化。 |
She varied her technique from Western-style watercolors to classical Chinese brushstrokes, but she always strove for realism: painting landscapes and people in social settings as literally as she could.
她的绘画技巧从西方水彩到古典中国水墨笔法都有,但她总是走写实路线:尽可能真实描绘风景以及社会各阶层人物。 |
She very cares other people.
她很关心别人. |