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But as Soapy set foot inside the restaurant door the head waiter's eye fell upon his frayed trousers and decadent shoes.

But as Miss Brill wondered, the ermine toque turned, raised her hand as though she'd seen someone else, much nicer, just over there, and pattered away . 然而就在布里尔小姐想着这些的时候,貂皮无沿帽转过身去,好像看见了就在那边有另一个更好的人似地扬起手,嗒嗒地走了。
But as Mr Chirac has noted, opportunistic politicians may lose at the centre as many votes as they gain on the fringe. 但正如希拉克先生所警告的,机会主义政客可能会在中间派失去他们在边缘获得的一样多的选票。
But as Rotarians, we do not walk away from these tremendous challenges. 但是对于这些巨大的挑战,我们作为扶轮社员岂能撒手不管。
But as Sharapova's match had already started, the rules stated she had to finish under the full glare of the sun. 当时莎娃比赛已经开始,所以赛会规则规定即使是酷暑天气比赛也要在这种情况下进行到底。
But as Sherlock Holmes put it, “I am glad of all details, whether they seem to you to be relevant or not. 然而,就像福尔摩斯所说,“我喜欢任何细节,不论在你看来他们是否相关。”
But as Soapy set foot inside the restaurant door the head waiter's eye fell upon his frayed trousers and decadent shoes. 但是当索丕刚要迈进餐馆的门时,堂倌领班的目光已经落到他破旧的裤子和该废弃的皮鞋上。
But as Thou hast unutterable loving-kindness, free me from every danger, as I cry: Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me. 当祢以无可言喻的仁爱,解救我于种种危难时,我要向祢呼求:耶稣,上帝之子,怜悯我。
But as Torre said, once you get through one turn of the order, the excuse of newness should no longer hold water. 但是老爹说:一旦我们经历过一次,新面孔的藉口不应该再何情合法了。
But as a byproductthey noticed that testing requires design improvement, too. 但是他们发现了“副产品”―测试需要更好的设计。
But as a coach his ra ort with his players seems very good. 但作为教练,他像是和球员相处得不错。
But as a coach his rapport with his players seems very good. 但作为教练,他像是和球员相处得不错。

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