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Zagrebacka Banka Zagreb d.d.: Zagreb (Bank of Zagreb); f.1978; Chief Exec. and Man. Dir.- Franjo Lukovic.

Zadok the priest took the horn of oil from the sacred tent and anointed Solomon. Then they sounded the trumpet and all the people shouted, Long live King Solomon! 39祭司撒督就从帐幕中取了盛膏油的角来,用膏膏所罗门。人就吹角,众民都说,愿所罗门王万岁。
Zaghloul represented the electrical activity of each neuron in the eye's circuitry by an individual voltage output. 扎格卢勒以个别的电压输出,代表眼睛线路里每个神经元的电活性。
Zagreb Film also produce documentaries, television commercials, educational films and feature films. 萨格勒布电影公司还制作纪录片、电视广告、教育电影以及故事片。
Zagreb Film is a Croatian film-producing company founded in 1953. 萨格勒布电影公司是一个来自克罗地亚的电影制作公司,成立于1953年。
Zagreb Stock Exchange: f.1990; 41000 Zagreb, Ksaver 208; tel.(1)428455; fax (1)420293; Gen.- Man.- Marinko Papuga. 萨格勒布股票交易所:萨格勒布;1990年成立;总裁-马林科·帕普加。
Zagrebacka Banka Zagreb d.d.: Zagreb (Bank of Zagreb); f.1978; Chief Exec. and Man. Dir.- Franjo Lukovic. 萨格勒布银行:萨格勒布;1978年成立;总经理兼经理-弗拉尼奥·卢科维奇。
Zaha Hadid's Performing Arts Centre is an amoeba-like structure covered with a netlike window structure. 世界著名设计师扎哈·哈迪德设计的表演艺术中心像一个科幻世界里的变形虫,这个建筑的外面装饰了网状的玻璃窗结构。
Zai Quan: JueYin Wind Wood. 2nd half year meet wind wood composite “Tong Tian Fu”,“Sui Hui”(heavenly,earthly branches and Zai Quan are same Wood).Year 1962 is of excessive wood Yun (movement). 下半年得风木相助构成同天符、岁会(天干、岁支、在泉三者皆相同),类似“太乙天符”的组合。
Zalayeta is also unavailable due to a problem with his right adductor muscle. 萨拉耶塔右边手臂仍然有肌肉疼痛的问题.
Zalcman M,Sy M,Donckier V,et al. Helical CT signs in the diagno-sis of intestinal ischemiain small-bowel obstruction[J]. AJR,2000,175:1601. 明兵,李振勋,高源统,等.CT在机械性肠梗阻诊断中的作用[J].中华放射学杂志,2002,36:896.
Zambia was due to receive $930m in 2005, but ended up with just $696m. 赞比亚2005年本该接收到9.3亿美元,但最终只有6.96亿美元。

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