The gun can fire invisible rays.
这枪能发出看不见的射线。 |
The gun has a range of five miles.
这炮的射程为五英里. |
The gun has an elevation of 45 degrees.
这门炮的仰角为45度. |
The gun is pretty much the pivot of their attack.
机枪作为他们的进攻的支点表现出色。 |
The gun kicked his shoulder.
枪反弹撞击到了他的肩膀。 |
The gun went off by accident.
枪支意外地走火了。 |
The gun went off by accident.
那枪走火了. |
The gunfire panicked the horses.
枪声惊吓了马. |
The gunman died at Ben Taub General Hospital of a bullet wound to the head, police spokesman Robert Hurst said.
走投无路;警察把枪手堵在商店里一个小时,他不得已吞枪自杀。 |
The gunman had home-made pipe bombs and appeared to be carrying other explosives on his body.
这名持枪歹徒拥有一些自制的雷管炸弹,在他的身上还发现了一些其他的炸药。 |
The gunman is holding two children hostage in the building.
持枪歹徒把两个孩子扣押在这座建筑物里当作人质. |