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We sail on the lake in summer.

We said our goodbyes and Dan departed. 我们道别,丹离开了。
We said our goodbyes and left. 我们说再见然后离开。
We said that a wrestler in the games gathers up his whole strength and counts upon every member of his body doing its very utmost. 一个角力选手在竞赛时,要绷紧身上所有细胞,使出吃奶的力量,与对手斗力。
We said to enter this trade as a short below the neckline, the 8/06 lows, the stop will begin above the 10/06 highs. 我们建议投资者在8月6日的低点附近入市,其股价的涨停点将是10月6日的高点。
We sail downstream through a hilly region. 11我们顺流而下,穿过山区。
We sail on the lake in summer. 夏天我们在湖上泛舟.
We sailed across a stormy sea and arrived at Troy. 我们从多风暴的大海上航行到达了特洛伊。
We sailed against the wind. 我们逆风航行。
We sailed from Philippi after the days of Unleavened Bread, and came to them at Troas within five days; and there we stayed seven days. 徒20:6过了除酵的日子、我们从腓立比开船、五天到了特罗亚、和他们相会、在那里住了七天。
We sale it as cost price. 我们已经是按成本价卖了。
We salute the flag every day at school. 在学校我们每天都要向那面旗帜敬礼。

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