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If one feels excessively tired, going into the sun is a good practice and shall help to re-energize the entire field and etheric body.

If one discovers that a particular tone is missing on a recurrent or regular basis, one may also wish to ingest the associated herb and learn the note upon a biological level. 如果你发现循环和有规则地缺失音调,你也可以摄取相关的草药,在生物层面上学到音调。
If one does not have respect for oneself, one can't expect others to respect him. 如果一个人不能自重,那么就别指望别人尊敬他。
If one does not turn, He will whet His sword. He bends His bow and makes it ready. 12若有人不回头,祂必磨快祂的刀,拉紧祂的弓,豫备妥当。
If one doesn't consider affections at all, undoubtedly he is not a drunk driver, but not until he himself becomes a skillful driver will he actually finds that, after his getting off, he has been driving an empty car and that the P seat has never been war 不过如果压根不考虑情感,确实没有“酒后驾车”,但等自己成为一个老牌车手之后,下车后竟然发现,自己一直载着一个空车,副驾驶的座位压根从来没热乎过。
If one element of the interface should change—for example, if Caption Typeface moves from one dialog box to another—then you might have to revise each script. 如果某界面的一个元素改变,例如,标题字体从一个对话框转移到另外一个,那么你就可能不得不重新编写每一个脚本。
If one feels excessively tired, going into the sun is a good practice and shall help to re-energize the entire field and etheric body. 如果你感到过度疲倦,走到阳光下将是一个良好的实践,将帮助给整个能量场和以太体重新充能。
If one finds oneself aging rather than de-aging in ascension, call upon our kingdom for support or take the herb if so guided from within. 如果你发现自己在提升中变老而不是回春,召唤我们的王国来获得支持;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。
If one finds oneself ascending into disease, call upon our kingdom and ingest the herb if one is so called from within. 如果你发现自身提升进疾病之中,召唤我们的王国;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。
If one finds oneself ascending through the matrixes, intend to disengage and reweave the associated grid work back inside of the form. 如果你发现自己正在透过矩阵而提升,那么就意愿断开,并将相关的晶格层重编回身体中。
If one group of researchers develops such an ontology in detail, others can simply reuse it for their domains. 如果某一组研究人员开发了这类本体,其他人就可以在其领域中简单的重用。
If one has agreements to attend an event such as Conclave, the intent for bounty shall alter the dream to provide for the funds required to accomplish the travel. 如果你有协议来参加诸如秘会这样的活动,意想赠礼,就将转化梦想来提供完成旅行所需的资金。

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