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The databases are managed with relative database technique. The database design, visit and operation in optimum electromagnetic design of distribution transformer are introduced. The examples in engineering are presented.

The database has been imported successfully. (数据库已成功导入。) 数据库公用程序已成功导入数据库。 ?无需采取措施。
The database must support at least one clearly defined language that includes functionality for data definition, data manipulation, data integrity, and database transaction control. 数据库必须支持至少一个确切的定义语言包括数据定义,数据操纵,数据完整和数据库事务控制等功能。
The database purging and archiving are complete and work flow is back to normal. 数据库清理工作已经结束,一切恢复正常了。
The database upgrade was successful and took about one hour. 数据库升级成功,花费了大约一个小时。
The database will bring new hopeto people who stammer, said the project's head Professor Peter Howell from University College London. 这个项目的带头人、来自伦敦大学学院的彼得·豪厄尔教授说,这个数据库将为口吃者带来“新希望”。
The databases are managed with relative database technique. The database design, visit and operation in optimum electromagnetic design of distribution transformer are introduced. The examples in engineering are presented. 摘要采用关系型数据库技术对各类数据进行管理,介绍了配电变压器电磁优化设计中数据库的设计及其访问与操作,给出了工程应用实例。
The date and name may vary from one country to another but the purpose is the same to express the love, gratitude, and reverence one feels for his or her mother. 每个国家叫的名称和庆祝日期不尽相同,但目的一样--表达对自己母亲的热爱、感激和尊敬的心情。
The date and time taking into account the current time zone's offset from universal time. 注意到当前时区与格林尼治标准时间的偏移的时间和数据。
The date and time you create a case is recorded and displayed. 你创建案例的日期和时间被记录和显示。
The date data type is used to specify a date. 日期数据类型用于指定一个具体的日期。
The date fixed for the convention was June3. 会议召开日期确定为6月3日。

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