Xindelei white children is a life of debauchery, Tanbei night, along the casino industry veteran TU Xiao spent all the money left.
辛德雷是个生活放荡的纨袴子弟,日夜贪杯,出没赌场,把老恩萧留下的产业挥霍殆尽。 |
Xinfeng Mangrove Wetland is a big piece shade, constituting a big piece of mangrove and black mangrove woods.
新丰红树林溼地则是一片蓊郁的、由水笔仔和海茄冬所交织而成的海上森林。 |
Xinfeng dialect's Ru tone does not change, though in Sidu dialect despite the tone sandhi, it only has one Ru tone.
新丰的入声不变﹐但四都却在变调时“还原”了一个入声。 |
Xinfulai 100% full whey protein powder is manufactured with modern scientific protein extraction technology to extract quality protein of high purity and technics of low-temperature drying.
鑫福来100%全乳清蛋白质粉,以浓缩乳清为原料净化分离而成的纯度高、质量好的蛋白质,并运用低温喷雾干燥等手段,科学合理精制而成。 |
Xinfulai Dairy colostrum protein powder is manufactured with modern scientific protein extraction technology to extract quality protein of high purity from soybeans and milk products and technics of low-temperature drying.
鑫福来牛初乳蛋白质粉,以现代科学蛋白分离技术,从优质大豆、乳品中有效分离纯度高、质量好的蛋白质,并运用低温喷雾干燥等手段,科学合理精制而成。 |
Xing Chi Zhou is a famous comedy actor.
周星驰是个著名的喜剧演员. |
Xing Fu, Guo Jixun and Wang Ke. Study on demography of reproductive modulars and reproductive allocation of Stellera chamaejasme population. Acta Prataculturae Sinica. 14(4).
邢福,郭继勋,王珂.狼毒种群生殖构件数量特征与生殖配置研究.草业学报,2005,14(4). |
Xing Jingbao, deputy manager of North China Filiale, made a security inspection at SiWu's construction site.
华北分公司副经理邢景宝在四物施工现场进行安全检查。 |
XingWei Hardware Manufactory is a professional manufacturer of various kinds of metal clothes-rack, plastic clothes-rack, high-grade wooden clothes-rack and stainless steel decorative stand series.
广东高要升辉五金制品厂是一家专业生产各种金属衣架、塑料衣架、高级木衣架、不锈钢装饰支架系列产品的专业厂家。 |
XingYuan Scarf Firm is located in Yiwu, the famous traffic hinge in middle Zhejiang Province and the largest commodity base in China.
兴源围巾商行位于著名的浙中交通枢纽和全国最大的商品基地--义乌,地理位置十分优越,交通极其便利。 |
Xingchen Sanded Four-piece Set is made of bright-colored sanded fabrics like red and blue ones,characterized by good water absorbability,high density and high count.After mercerizing treatment,the fabric surface is able to keep eternal silk-like lood.Prin
星晨牌磨毛四件套,运用红色,蓝色等斑斓色彩,光彩夺目,风采独具,丰富的视觉感觉,幸福悄悄蔓延整个空间,面料采用高密,高支,磨毛,手感柔软,吸水性好,经丝光处理,布面保持永久性丝般光泽,在款式设计上,以印花为主,每一套设计都能满足挑剔的眼光,给您带来更高的享受,美好的睡眠。 |