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After analysis, it can be found that the different thermophysical parameters between the reinforced particle and matrix are the main reason to cause crack and failure of coating.

After an overnight in the capital of Kyoto, Mr. 除了日本之外,他还将访问韩国、中国和蒙古。
After an uncertain season, Dida seems to be back to his best and he was one of the stars of the show in Saturday's 1-1 draw away at Sampdoria. 在度过了一个起伏不定的赛际后,迪达找回了他的最佳状态。而在周六1-1战平桑普多利亚的比赛中,他是发挥最好的球星之一。
After analysis of survey datum collected from the households of Shandong and Heilongjiang provinces, utility function of Livestock policy to dairy household's production is evaluated. 本文通过对黑龙江,山东两省区奶农饲养奶牛生産资料和技术服务获得的分析,研究了畜牧业政策对奶农生産和行爲的影响,从一个方面反应了中国畜牧业政策对农户饲养奶牛的效用。
After analysis of survey datum collected from the households of Shandong and Sichuan provinces, the utility function of livestock policy to pig householders production is evaluated. 笔者通过对四川和山东两省养猪农户生产资料和技术服务获得的分析,研究了畜牧业政策对养猪农户生产和行为的影响,从一个方面反应了中国畜牧业政策对农户饲养生猪的效用。
After analysis others work, and after unscramble Chun Qiu Fan Lu according to the distance between Chun Qiu Fan Lu and Chun-Qiu, we found there are five status. 通过对已有的区分进行分析,并加之对文本的解读,发现依《春秋繁露》各篇与《春秋》的距离之远近,存在著五种情况。
After analysis, it can be found that the different thermophysical parameters between the reinforced particle and matrix are the main reason to cause crack and failure of coating. 经分析认为,外加强化相与基材热物性差别大是导致涂层开裂失效的主要因素。
After analyzing all kinds of uncertainty in determination, it was found that the uncertainty of results was mainly introduced by those of repeatability, working curve and standard solution, but other uncertainty was very trivial and can be neglected in re 通过对测定过程中的各种不确定度分析,得到了测定结果的不确定度主要由测量的重复性、工作曲线和标准溶液引入的不确定度组成,其他方面引入的不确定度较小,在实际评定中可以忽略。
After analyzing and comparing the merits and demerits of the existing methods of measuring and monitoring VRLA batteries, the paper proposes a new intelligentized and networking model of monitoring based on VRLA battery resistance. 通过蓄电池几种常见失效模式,讨论内阻与蓄电池性能状况的关系,以及目前的几种蓄电池检测、监测的方法、其优劣。
After analyzing cultivation factors influencing quality of Chinese herbal medicines, expatiate on means of introducing varieties from separate regions and domesticating rare wild ones, procedures and related advertentproblems. 摘要通过对影响中草药质量的栽培因子分析,阐述了异地引种或野生驯化珍贵中草药的基本步骤及相关要注意的问题。
After analyzing hundreds of media articles, news clips and television ads on the issue of global warming, the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) dubbed it climate porn. 分析了成百上千条关于全球变暖问题的媒体文章、新闻简报、电视广告之后,国家公共政策协会把这个问题归结为“过度夸张的气候报道”。
After analyzing processes, we reached the following conclusions: (1) The capacity and norm of self-evaluation, must establish on the base of full-blown strategies choice, systems and training; (2) There were five policies of self-evaluation capacity build 归纳分析结果,得到的结论包括:(1)自我评鑑的能力与规範,必须建立在完整的政策、制度以及训练上;(2)自我评鑑能力建立的策略共五项,需要学校、政府、学术单位以及专业团体共同努力。

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