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A defe e lawyer says Jufer was intoxicated at the time of his crime.

A deeper study into the deaths of the two inmates has unraveled a mind-boggling tale of horror that has been part of California penal history for a long time, and one that caused national outcries years ago. 深入调查这已经2名犯人的死亡揭露了一个令人难以置信的恐怖故事,这已成为加州刑事的一部分已经很久,并且其中之一导致了国民在数年前的大声疾呼。
A deeply insulted Van Nistelrooy has instead flown to the Netherlands to join a pre-World Cup training camp, having initially been given special dispensation to stay in Manchester with his club colleagues. 深受打击的范尼飞回荷兰参加世界杯赛前集训营,他最初是被安排和队友们一起呆在曼彻斯特的。
A deer is a fast mover. 鹿跑起来很快。
A default binding method will only be invoked if the Parameter annotation does not provide a default value. 默认的绑定方法只有在参数标注没有提供默认值时才被调用。
A default value is automatically assigned to the attribute when no other value is specified. 当未指定其它值时,属性会自动设置默认值。
A defe e lawyer says Jufer was intoxicated at the time of his crime. 一位辩护律师说,尤弗是在醉酒状态下犯罪的。
A defeat or even a draw may jeopardise the Azzurri's hope of qualifying for the European Championship. 一场失利,甚至一场平局都会让国家队进军欧洲杯决赛圈的梦想破灭。
A defect in the fuel lines prevented the missile from blasting off. 燃料管路上的一个缺陷妨碍了导弹的发射。
A defect of vision prevented him from focusing accurately. 视力上的缺陷使他不能准确对焦。
A defective protein, which binds polyubiquitin chain (so-called degrading label) through its ε-amino group of Lys residue, is degraded in the proteasome. 对于需要清除的蛋白质,通过其赖氨酸残基侧链ε-氨基连接多聚泛素链(降解标签),继而在蛋白酶体中被降解。
A defector revealed the disposition of the enemy fleet. 有一名叛变者透露了敌方舰队的部署.

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