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The infection bleeds Huang Dan is the end helicoid causes by hemorrhagic Huang Dangou, mainly encroaches upon the young dog.

The infants were shown one or two dolls in a videotaped puppet theater. 他们首先给这些婴儿观看同样的录像带,录像带里播放的是一到两个洋娃娃的木偶节目。
The infarct also has high signal on the T2-weighted images. This slice also demonstrates the ribbon-like geometry of the lesion. 在T2加权像上,梗塞灶也呈高信号。此层面损害区域同样呈带状。
The infarcts are usually small but cumulative in their effect. 梗塞灶一般较小,但其效应可以累加。
The infarcts seen here are yellow, with geographic borders and surrounding hyperemia. 图中的梗死灶为黄色,境界清楚,周围是充血带。
The infatuated fan stalked the celebrity. 那位着了迷的崇拜者追踪这位名人。
The infection bleeds Huang Dan is the end helicoid causes by hemorrhagic Huang Dangou, mainly encroaches upon the young dog. 传染性出血黄疸是由出血性黄疸钩端螺旋体引起的,主要侵犯幼犬。
The infection in the lining of the uterus is caused by hormonal changes. 子宫内膜的感染是由荷尔蒙的变化引起的。
The infection is at last responding to medication. 药物治疗终于开始对感染显出效果。
The infection occurred either clinically or subclinically at an early age and resulted in the widespread production of antitoxin in the population. 在幼儿期发生临床或亚临床感染,使得人群中广泛存在抗毒素。
The infection status of Legionella pneumophila in children and its role in pediatric community-acquired pneumonia were investigated. 摘要退伍军人肺炎菌在儿童感染情况及在儿童肺炎的角色一直不是很清楚。
The infection with inflammation is characterized by the pale yellowish-tan areas next to the dilated calyces with hyperemic mucosal surfaces. 扩张肾盏的表面粘膜充血,靠近扩张肾盏的区域为黄褐苍白区,这是炎症感染的特征。

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